2006-09-15 02:38:15*FancyLenG *


My Dearest Ricky

看完你篇文,我更清楚你苦惱的是一件怎樣的事. 我覺得自己reg科既煩惱也是暫且擱置.

看着你要面對無數個抉擇,真的很替你擔憂. 如你所說,真的very左右為難, 好像每樣都有它的重要性,很難取捨. 那怎麼辦呢. 我可以為你分擔一點就好了.

我不介意自己辛苦些. 只想你的負擔能輕一些.



我相信"柳暗花明又一村" 架.

elena 2006-09-20 16:57:47

elena is my spanish name.I like this better.

We are busy for BASO Kingjong.
I am the PIC of Climber ~ thus will be much busier in the near future.

let us chat if we have time.
Take Care~~
I have 0 class with you (originally , i can still see you in our MKT course)

Mandy~ 2006-09-19 22:10:33

呢排你地好忙, 都好少見你地... 連你地發生咩事都唔知了...

elena~keke 2006-09-16 13:06:38

Glad to hear that you have such kind of feeling. You start to change ...become mature and willing to take up challenge!!!

I believe obstacles and hardship will certainly shape us in much stronger and determined mind.