2007-03-04 07:53:24Louishakespeare

Session3 : Comedy y Tragedy

Today’s lecture is about "Comedy--from situation to character"
the icon of the situation comedy (si-com) is: Plautus’ Menaechmi
the symbol of the character comedy is: Moliere’s Tartuffe

first, what’s the defition of "Comedy"?
everyone speaked out the idea of comedy
Lee (I) said: The way to warn people’s bad behavior in positive way.
Comedy could turns out to be Tragedy. For instance, when I read Menaechmi, I firmly believed it could be the sad story if the playwright had the intention and action.

Professor said
Comedy and Tragedy are the sides of a coin
The representation of temporary victory over the obstables of life in order to celebrate capacity and endure.
on the other hand,喜劇人物卻沒因自己的錯而悲慘,通常在巧合下,錯誤沒造成損失.也因此,沒有傷害人就少了反省與覺醒

the relief from the present force
it’s the anti-social genre.

Comedy is a genre and it gots lots of forms:
situation comedy
romantic comedy

Devices within the forms:
contrast, opposite
extreme behavior
physical humor

Plautus: Menaechmi
the new comedy:
the standard plot
the stock characters
no female voice but male fantacies
upper class values
the tatto of the society: ex the ownership of slaves
the plot sets up the situations

Moliere: Tartuffe
focus on the characters
examine the dominant passion and destroy it
look the characters in the obssessed way
The Greek culture and Comedia’de’ Arte influence
In Moliere’s play, all characters hardly integrated cos of too much themselves. The superficial recognition coudn’t unite them.They don’t reform
some little background of Tartuffe. About the king and the religion Secret Society.
The females figures in the play are positive forces. They got the forward thinking. Someone said " The man who tries to take women’s natural rights suffer’
Everyland has Tartuffe