2022-04-22 05:17:10leahnxsn4

科技業徵才! 40廠商釋3,000職缺4/23永康登場

(記者邱清涼/台南報導)勞動部雲嘉南分署永康就業中心邀集40家企業釋出近3,000個工作機會,將於4月23日於台南市立圖書館新總館(永康區康橋大道255號)舉辦「Book或缺 職想要你」現場徵才活動,多家科技大廠紛紛開出高薪,徵求工程師、採購專員、輪班技術員、品保人員等職缺,祭出月薪最高100K來搶人才,民眾可先至活動網站透過線上瀏覽徵才條件鎖定喜愛職缺,以縮短現場求職及停留時間。


The horn antenna (as known as microwave horn) is shaped like a horn, referred to as a TEM antenna, which guides the beam of radio waves at a precise frequency. FT-RF Double Ridged Horn antennas have frequency capabilities ranging from 100MHz to 70GHz. These series are characterized by a huge frequency range and extremely high input powers. With the gain rises to a maximum of 20 dBi. At higher frequencies, the increased gain compensates for the increasing cable losses.

The advantages of FT-RF Horn antenna:

- Moderate directivity, low standing wave ratio (SWR), broad bandwidth

- Easy waveguide interface: These antennas are very easy to interface to waveguide due to their shape, but they can also be designed with a transition so that a regular coaxial feeder can be used.

- Simple construction and adjustment

- We also supply ODM OEM OBM & RD service.

The horn is suitable for both transmitting and receiving purposes, especially suitable for EMC and immunity test measurements.

Recommended Accessories

- 天線三腳架: easy and fast-changing position. 100% stable.

- SMA Cable: High-quality special SMA cable




來自: http://n.yam.com/Article/20220420194646