2002-05-17 22:14:32aRthuR

November Rain I - 鹹濕

When I look into your eyes
I can see a love restrained
But darlin' when I hold you
Don't you know I feel the same
'Cause nothin' lasts forever
And we both know hearts can change
And it's hard to hold a candle
In the cold November rain



月亮在天蠍,所以就愛November rain...


If we could take the time
to lay it on the line
I could rest my head
Just knowin' that you were mine
All mine
So if you want to love me
then darlin' don't refrain
Or I'll just end up walkin'
In the cold November rain

我想每個人潛意識裡都有個Picture,可能是Danny Boyle的《Trainspotting》或者是Luc Besson的《The Big Blue》、Salvador Dali的 "The Hallucinogenic Toreador"或者是Vincent Van Gogh的 "Starry Night"、John Lennon的〈Imagine〉或者是Guns N' Roses的〈November Rain〉...



And when your fears subside
And shadows still remain
I know that you can love me
When there's no one left to blame
So never mind the darkness
We still can find a way
'Cause nothin' lasts forever
Even cold November rain

10月31日,從 "@live Pub" 的紀念薛岳演唱會走出來,在計程車上聽到新航墜機的消息,心頭一陣酸麻...




originally posted: 2000-11-09 22:26:05