2008-06-13 12:57:26Yvette

A STORY WILL TELL A STORY--but it is not true!

昨天有個「久未謀面」的學生來考口試。披著一頭閃閃動人捲髮的十九歲男生,臉上卻有三十歲的人工滄桑。一個十足的 cynic. 可是我還是覺得他很酷。準備三本講一本,沒騙人,講得還不錯,只可惜和傳說中的「怪傑」形象還是有點兒差距。

「你的沙特期提早一年到達,一年也夠了,該回來了!」YV 盡老師的力量提醒他。


「哈哈哈哈!!!! 你真是一個誠實到我想打你的傢伙!趕快去拿三個學年的獎學金,然後你再來這裡跟我說這句話吧!」




”A STORY WILL TELL A STORY” 和 Emily Dickinson ”I Died for beauty but was scarce” 詩中那兩個交談的墓碑有種淒美詭異的類似,兩詩有一層對話關係。

雖然個人覺得席德的結論有點兒 partial,卻不妨礙朗讀的愉悅。


By Sidney Chou

A story will tell a story
That is not true
When true be the speaker’s lips
But false the mood
And right be the flowery diction
His own mouth to be rued

But true is the pale one a lover
And the weak-minded to fool
Designs in shape of bolting thunder
Above Psyche’s rippling pool
For one thing, it changes never—
The rose, the lyre sustain the rule
That love will lull a soul to doom;
Always, it ripens in the lunar bloom


I died for beauty but was scarce
By Emily Dickinson

I died for beauty but was scarce
Adjusted in the tomb,
When one who died for truth was lain
In an adjoining room.
He questioned softly why I failed?
”For beauty,” I replied.
”And I for truth, the two are one;
We brethren are,” he said.

And so, as kinsmen met a night,
We talked between the rooms,
Until the moss had reached our lips,
And covered up our names.