2007-11-08 13:02:07Yvette

The Fish Who Could Wish--now more complete

上週的繪本課上到 Korky Paul

這是一位搞怪插畫家,其實他的作品線條非常流動,而且配合不同作家作品繪製,差異極大。他的 The Wonky Donkey 就很悲情又感人。(可是他當然也會偷渡幾個童趣的畫面在裡頭。)

Winnie the Witch 可能是每個人家裡都有的書吧?! 對!也是他畫的!

The Fish Who Could Wish

By John Bush
Illustrated by Korky Paul

In the deep blue sea,
In the deep of the blue,
Swam a fish who could wish,
And each wish would come true.
Oh the fun that he had!
Oh the things he would do!
Just wishing away
In the deep water blue.

He wished for a castle.

He wished for a car.

He wished for a horse
And a Spanish guitar.

Once, when he wished
He could go out and ski
It snowed for a week
Under the sea.

He wished he could fly
And to his delight,
Flew twice round the world
In exactly one night!

If sharks came a-hunting
For a nice fishy treat,
He’s quickly just wish
He was too small to eat.

And to teach sharks a lesson,
Do you know what he’d wish?
That he was a shark
And the shark was a fish!

He’d wish himself square,
Or round as a biscuit,
Triangular, oval…
Name it, he wished it.

He wished for fine suits
And handsome silk ties,
But the one thing he never wished
Was to be wise…

One day, just for fun,
That silly old fish
Wished the silliest, silliest
Wish he could wish.

That silly old fish
Wished he could be
Just like all the other
Fish in the sea.
But wishing was something
Other fish could not do.
So that was his very last
Wish that came true.



S 2007-11-15 16:52:57


YV to Sophia 2007-11-14 14:45:16

I am trying to translate one paper into
Chinese: Writing the Colonial Self: Yang Kui`s Texts of Resistance adn National Identity

楊逵 wrote in Japanese and Chinese.
胡風 translated a Japanese short into Chinese.
Angelina Yee (from Hong Kong) wrote the paper in English, citing Hu Fong`s translated work from Yang Kui`s.
And now I am translating Angelina Yee`s paper into Chinese, citing all of these together.

End of report.

YV 2007-11-14 10:09:36

No! I will explain that later. Gotta run to class!!!!