2007-09-10 14:33:27Yvette






1999 Sam Mendes導了一部電影《美國心玫瑰情》在台灣造成很多討論話題。(台長講了好幾次了!好看嘛!)除了剋藥、離婚、壓抑的同志愛、中產價值危機、中年信心危機,還有表面麻木不仁的青少年內心世界的探索。其中有一個知名的場景:Kevin Spacey, Annette Bening 和飾演劇中女兒的 Thora Birch 坐在高尚的餐桌上用一個高尚的燭光晚餐,但是話題氣氛都不對,女兒要父母關掉那個要命的輕音樂!最後女兒發飆,父母把生氣吞進肚子,維持一個假象的和平,一切都紀錄在隔壁吸麻男生的錄影機裡。

EASY-LISTENING MUSIC. Lester, Carolyn and Jane are eating dinner by
CANDLELIGHT. RED ROSES are bunched in a vase at the center of the table.
Nobody makes eye contact, or even seems aware of anybody else’s
presence, until...)

JANE: Mom, do we always have to listen to this elevator music?
CAROLYN:(considers) No. No, we don’t. As soon as you’ve prepared a
nutritious yet savory meal that I’m about to eat, you can listen to whatever
you like.

(A long beat. Lester suddenly turns to Jane.)
LESTER: So Janie, how was school?
JANE:(suspicious) It was okay.
LESTER: Just okay?
JANE: No, Dad. It was spec-tac-ular.

LESTER: Well, you want to know how things went at my job today?
(Now she looks at him as if he’s lost his mind.)
LESTER: They’ve hired this efficiency expert, this really friendly
guy named Brad, how perfect is that? And he’s basically there to make it
seem like they’re justified in firing somebody, because they couldn’t
just come right out and say that, could they? No, no, that would be too...
honest. And so they’ve asked us--you couldn’t possibly care any less, could

(Carolyn is watching this closely.)
JANE:(uncomfortable) Well, what do you expect? You can’t all of a sudden be
my best friend, just because you had a bad day.
(She gets up and heads toward the kitchen.)
JANE: I mean, hello. You’ve barely even spoken to me for months.

(She’s gone. Lester notices Carolyn looking at him critically.)
LESTER: Oh, what, you’re mother-of-the-year? You treat her like an employee.
CAROLYN:(taken aback)What?!

(Lester is quiet, staring at his plate.)
CAROLYN (more authority): What?
(Lester gets up and starts after Jane, taking his plate with him.
LESTER) I’m going to get some ice cream.
(Carolyn watches him go, irritated.)

(Jane stands at the sink, rinsing off her plate. Lester enters.
LESTER: Honey, I’m sorry. I...
(Jane turns and stares at him, waiting for him to finish.)
LESTER: I’m sorry I haven’t been more available, I just... I’m...
(He’s looking to her for a little help here, but she’s too
uncomfortable with this sudden intimacy to give him any.)

LESTER (finally): You know, you don’t always have to wait for me to
come to you...
JANE: Oh, great. So now it’s my fault?
LESTER: I didn’t say that. It’s nobody’s fault. Janie, what happened?
You and I used to be pals.

(OFF the house)
On VIDEO: We’re looking through GREENHOUSE WINDOWS at Lester and
Jane in the kitchen We can’t hear what they’re saying, but it’s obvious
it’s not going well. Jane puts her plate in the dishwasher and leaves.
We FOLLOW HER out the door,then the camera JERKS back to Lester calling
after her. CLOSE on the face of RICKY FITTS, illuminated by the screen of
his DIGICAM as he videotapes. Ricky is eighteen, but his eyes are much older.
Beneath his Zen-like tranquility lurks something wounded... and dangerous.
His POV, on VIDEO: Through the kitchen window, we see Lester at the sink,
rinsing off his plate, muttering to himself. His head suddenly jerks up and he
looks at us, as if he realizes he’s being watched.

Lester’s POV: We’re looking out through the kitchen window at the point
where Ricky was just standing, but he’s no longer there.
Lester turns off the faucet, dries his hands, then tosses the towel on the
counter on his way out, where it lands next to a framed PHOTOGRAPH of
Lester, Carolyn, and a much-younger Jane, taken several years earlier
at an amusement park.

It’s startling how happy they look.



話是這麼說,可是知易行難。我不但聽不了重金屬、嬉哈、Dead Metal, 我連手機音樂裡的那些要死不活的吶喊都聽不下去。真正原因恐怕也是我的孩子目前都不喜歡這些音樂,所以我還沒被「強迫接受」(或是「委婉引導」)。


也許各位都可以!我承認絕對沒有能力做到。不過我知道一對夫妻不但跟著聽,還在盛暑陪著孩子大老遠越過中央山脈(或雪山山脈)去看【貢寮海洋音樂祭 2007】!Yvette 聽到幾乎佩服拜倒。



羅大哥形容七月海洋音樂祭當時的場景:「人潮擁擠!年輕人站在那裡狂唱狂舞。我們年紀大了還要花錢去租椅子坐。我後來受不了就起來四處和人家聊一聊。樂手唱到那麼晚,那些女孩子還在喊『Encore Encore!』我就想喊『回家了回家了!』」

老大 2007-09-14 10:28:00


Yvette 2007-09-11 16:39:29




老大 2007-09-11 15:41:40
