2007-07-06 19:08:52Yvette


各位看倌還記得今年春假兒童節 Yvette 獨行新店溪,結果碰到小小驚魂事件吧?有氣無膽的 Yvette 還唱了一路的歌仔戲(「七字仔」加「哭調仔」)顫抖著回家!此後兩個月都不敢獨行了。今天一起床,我的兩條腿一直跟我說:「先別算成績、先別登記成績、先別上傳成績、先別管成績、帶我去騎車、我要騎單車、我要騎腳踏車、我要騎孔明車…….」我只好遵命!






我一路亂照相,騎騎停停,沒一會兒就把第一瓶水喝完了!正要拿第二瓶水的時候,也許因為手的動作太大,一整大隊的黃喙白鷺鷥就突然飛起!嚇我一大跳!後來我蓋上瓶蓋,花了五分鐘和牠們玩「我東邊照相你們往西邊跑」的遊戲。旁邊有一位先生正在割草! 好香的青草味呀!


每騎到一個地方, 那裡的小鳥就通通飛起來,連溪裡的水鳥也不例外...
YV 心裡不斷念著: 「爭渡 爭渡 驚起一灘鷗鷺」! (當然也順便唸自己寫的: 「且莫 且莫 應是如椽在握」!)

(Margaret 也是每天早上起來騎車賞風景喲! 她說她要是來台北的話也要跟我一起去遊河......我在學校擺了兩部單車呢! 還有沒有同學要來遊新店溪--> 大漢溪--> 淡水河的呀?)
這一路的樹真多!男主角Andy Dufrense (Tim Robins 飾)在 The
Shawshank Redemption 【刺激一九九五】中說:「那一片田就像是從 Robert
Frost 詩中蹦出來的…..」,想來就是這樣了!雖然少了一棵大橡樹......

這個電影劇本寫得真好!(原小說是史蒂芬金寫的呢!) 劇本中的的描寫每每讓我抄一段下來放身邊........

這一段是 Red (Morgan Freeman 飾) 假釋出獄後適應不了外面的生活沮喪得想犯案重回監獄,可是揭發監獄不義並且自救成功的 Andy 已經想到Red有可能步上 Brooks 後塵走上絕路,在這片田裡預藏一封信,鼓勵他活下去。

Walking. Searching. The day turning late. Red finds himself
staring at a distant field. There’s a long rock wall, like
something out of a Robert Frost poem. Big oak tree. Red checks
his compass. North end. He crosses a dirt road into the field.

Red walks the long rock wall, nearing the tree. A squirrel
scolds him from a low branch, scurries up higher. Red studies
the base of the wall. Nothing unusual here. Just a bunch of
rocks set in stone. He sighs. Fool’s errand. Turns to go.

Something catches his eye. He walks back, squats, peering
closer. Wets a fingertip and rubs a stone. A layer of dust comes
off. Volcanic glass. Gleaming black. He tries to get the rock
out, anticipation growing. It won’t come; it’s too smooth. He
pulls a pocketknife and levers the rock free. It tumbles at his
feet, leaving a ragged hole.

Red leans down and solves the mystery at last, staring at the
object buried under the rock. Stunned. It’s an envelope wrapped
in plastic. Written on it is a single word: ”Red.”

Red pulls the envelope out and rises. He just stares at it for
a while, almost afraid to open it. But open it he does. Inside
is a smaller envelope and a letter. Red begins to read:

Dear Red. If you’re reading this,
you’ve gotten out. And if you’ve
come this far, maybe you’re willing
to come a little further. You
remember the name of the town,
don’t you? I could use a good man
to help me get my project on
wheels. I’ll keep an eye out for
you and the chessboard ready.

Remember, Red. Hope is a good
thing, maybe the best of things,
and no good thing ever dies. I will
be hoping that this letter finds
you, and finds you well.

Your friend.
Sid to Janet 2007-07-14 11:54:23

Honestly speaking, I`ve been trying on the ways you kindly told me, but only to find myself lost in the keyboard magic. Maybe it`s my software....
Anyway, you have the full thankfulness from the bottom of my heart.

Janet(頓號另解) 2007-07-10 23:01:51

另一打頓號方式:「微軟新注音輸入法」中(有安裝Microsoft Office的都有)左按Ctrl右按&quot即可,報告完畢。

JNT 2007-07-10 22:18:11

Yes, ma`am!