2007-04-24 18:08:57Yvette




第一次讀這本書笑到差點摔倒!原來「從眾」也是好的!(廢話!Birds of a
feather flock together! 那只是自衛自保的行為而已。基因作怪呀!你以為列祖列宗都是白混的?!)



A Color of Its Own
By Leo Lionni

Elephants are gray. Goldfish are red. Parrots are green. Pigs are pink.

All animals have a color of their own, except chameleons. They change color
wherever they go.

On lemons they are yellow. In the heather they are purple. And on the tiger
they are striped like tigers.

One day a chameleon who was sitting on a tiger’s tail said to himself,

If I remain on a leaf I shall be green forever, and so I too, will have a color
of my own.” With this thought he cheerfully climbed onto the greenest leaf.

But in autumn the leaf turned yellow—and so did the chameleon. Later the l
eaf turned red, and the chameleon, too, turned red. And then the winter winds
blew the leaf from the branch and with it the chameleon.

The chameleon was black in the long winter night. But when spring came, he
walked out into the green grass. And there he met another chameleon.
He told his sad story.

“Won’t we ever have a color of our own?” he asked.
“I’m afraid not,” said the other chameleon, who was older and wiser.
“But,” he added, “Why don’t we stay together? We will still change color
wherever we go, but you and I will always be alike.”

And so they remained side by side.

They were green together, and purple, and yellow, and red with white polka dots.
And they lived happily ever after.

To Janet 2007-04-28 11:11:15

原諒天使老了記憶力會減退嘛!但You are always my dear Master.

To 老大 2007-04-28 11:03:32

Sherry 是老大的「女兒」,當然很多生活點滴的回憶是交集的!

Janet 2007-04-26 08:06:14


(也許 Sherry 到大四就成熟了.........)
2007-04-29 10:51:44