2007-03-01 23:28:14Yvette



有一年 Yvetta, Janeta 和 Anita 的聚餐場合,Yvette 感嘆說:「真糟糕!雪莉家的冉皓皓溫文儒雅、知書達禮,我們家的小孩只會張口吐舌做鬼臉,家教太差了!」 Nita 立刻也來加一段自家的「個人故事」。然後,剛轉頭過來的Janeta 很興奮的說:「現在要比賽『沒家教』是嗎?」


我們家的小孩擁有太多carefree 的「照顧」,客人來了像木頭也就算了,一混熟就開始耍白目。現在大了一點,好了一些,想想還真感謝那些有耐心的老師。舉個例子:

大麻子唸小三的時候,有一次作業是「每個生字寫半行」,他老哥就將字拉得長長的,「每個字寫半行,兩個字寫一行」。(這家的爸媽從來沒看過小孩的功課,根本不知道他在玩什麼遊戲。)那一天老師在連絡簿上寫著:「YW, 老師的眼睛還可以,以後作業不用寫那麼大的字。」我們還稱讚小孩懂事!後來問清楚了,真不知道該哭還是該笑!只能怪自己把白目遺傳下去!








旁邊的車閃過,嚇了 Yvette 一跳。


這種故事多到 Yvette 常常要反省自己基因!


St. Peter: How many days of the week begin with the letter “T”?

Forrest Gump: Two! Today and Tomorrow!

St. Peter: Forrest! That’s not what I was thinking but… you do have a point though, and I guess I didn’t specify, so I give you credit for that answer. How about the next question? How many seconds are there in a year?”

Forrest: Gump: Shucks, there gotta be twelve: January second, February second, March second, April second, ….


Janet 2007-03-20 13:44:20

Sometimes I want to be strange, but I`m just so ordinary. I want to do something special or better, but my laziness stops me. It doesn`t matter. The ordinary JANET is an old woman now.

You can`t mention the word &quotold&quot in this place, because there are only very few people who are younger than you: Carol, Nita, Susan and Jude! (Any others? I can`t remember, cuz I haven`t got the complete list of our classmates` birthdays.) 2007-03-20 17:43:34
Dilligent? 2007-03-20 13:01:45

I don`t have to be a dilligent housekeeper. I raise pigs. That`s all.

Right, the book is quite thin. Mayve only 64 pages. Therefore it can be hard to sort out when it was buried among other books. (Sometimes I find myself TOO ENTHUSIASTIC in recommending books I like. It is just a funny story book--perhaps good for myself only.) Anyway, I was crazy about Louis Sachar`s writing in 1999 or 2000. I have all the books in print by him. Holes (Disney 別有洞天) is maybe the most famous of them all. I like his WAYSIDE SCHOOL STORIES better. A bunch of preposterous tales.

It is my job to know so many strange writers. Maybe it is my destiny, seeing that I am also a strange person.

Janet 2007-03-20 12:09:11

You must be a very deligent housekeeper to have a clean bathroom for your kids to play and eat in it.
What book? I`m too old to remember. Maybe someday after my retirement I will find it somewhere on my bookshelf.