2005-04-05 19:07:53傻Q


25/03/05, No Jessie today, Good Friday, not much customer. Not reli busy. All ppl in workplace seems very boring. Alan always find some ways to trick me. I chat with David, ALWAYS. Kakaka........

26/03/05, no Leo, no Jessie today, but v got Elvis. Alan's wife and daughters came to have dinner. His daughters ar so lovely. And David being called as "Bro Funny". Elvis & Alvin discuss wht bet they placed on Football match in kitchen. Bro man burn his hair while cooking LoL. How abt Willi ? He seems happy too, talk more than ever.

When I saw Alan having dinner with his family, how lucky he is. I also hope I can back to my childhood or just back HK to have breakfast with my Dad.

Very Sick.... cough for a week already. Still haven't got a sign of recovery. Can't even sleep at nite and talk much. Did go to see Doctor, he gave me some antibiotics, but itz not work. AH........ i can do nth now, and my whole easter spend on the bed. Wht a Waste........ Haven't work on Fri. Willi get in my home and say hihi to me ( lucky i'm not lie in sofa with only undies on ), then drive my bro back workplace. Willi is a cute guy, i dunno how to say, he 's not handsome, but when u look at him, u gonna laugh.

Danny called me at nite to c whether i'm fine or not. However, bro said that Alan's tones seems dun trust that I get sick. I'm reli disappointed abt that lol. Anyway, Alan somehow is just like my bro..... if u dun help him, he will be annoyied (indeed Fri got party in workplace; quit busy). May be when ppl grow up, itz more difficult to trust each other. Er... if he dun trust me, then let it be. I got a medical certificate anyway. I just wanna say, no one want to get sick.

02/04/05, go to c doctor again, paid again but still not yet recovered.

我同阿哥講danny 尋晚打俾我, 阿哥finally 講發生乜事lor...... 佢笑o左我好耐, 因為nearly 成公司都知係得我唔知...... 我都唔知講乜好, 亦都唔知點做. 我對朋友 / 同事o既attitudes 有問題嗎 ? (我相信阿哥覺得有). 咁樣攪到我乜都唔敢做. today restaurant 多番d人lu. 好攪笑o既係我拎起電話聽take away 咳到講唔到o野, 好在jessie 行過聽o左. Alan 就見我流晒眼水重響度笑, david 以為我俾alan 鬧到喊, haha. 唔舒服, 我都無講咁多o野lu, super tired. Willi 食飯時救o左小妹一命, 唔理佢有心定無意, 佢幫我擋o左...... danny 食完飯話唔舒服走先, 阿哥開始又搵o野o黎講, 又話人o地成日響kitchen 望住我..... (我唔認唔得因為我都知 ). 咁點算好 ? 阿哥話我玩大o左, 我 ? 我做過d乜呀? 得閒同同事吹o下水有問題咩 ? 哎呀, 我唔明呀. 搵人blame o下先, 死人willi , 佢一早知o既, 唔怪得成日響danny 面前拋我個名出o黎啦 >"<.

唉....... 又一例子: 爛桃花....... . 請眾同事高抬貴手, 唔好再攪落去喇 (我最怕文少亂講o野, 唯有希望佢真係鍚我喇). 做o野o既地方出o左事都唔係咁好.

Fucccccccccccccck 真係又係我個問題 ???

03/04/05, proof that 文少係唔錫我o既 ..... 又被文少耍喇 ....... jessie 叫我去拎pickles, so 我好聽話地入o左kitchen. then 個個出晒去食飯, 我同danny 最遲出去. 一出去.... 文少就話 : "e ? 唔係拖住手出o黎o既 ?"我擰頭無出聲 (我認我有keep 住笑容地黑面). 文少重continious 咁講喎. 直到alan 見我無出聲至問我剛才響裡面做乜 ............ indeed when will this event cool down ? 今日生日開party, okay busy. 依然俾jessie 話我英文差. alan 叫我o地數人數cut b-day cake, David 數到35, Willi 數到36, 我.... 32...... 乜喎, 人o地number 白痴. 咁當然以willi 哥為準, cut 多好過cut 小. 不過最後...... 生日o既老板娘係無cake 食o既, 因為alan 只係cut o左32 pieces, kakaka (i haven't told alan the nvm i've counted, just becoz the cake is too small. Willi & David yelled that Alan just believe me ).

There's a small things happen before the cake cut. The cake put in the take away counter. jessie scream suddenly that one side of the cake got a bit smash off. And wht ? i'm the last one walk out the take-away counter. fuck that jessie think i smash the cake. i check around my sheeves, there's no cream stick on them. Lastly alan show jessie that the smash off pieces are still stick in the cake box. WTF.

04/04/05, 無上HR lecture, 去o左Mc 食早餐, kakaaa..... 返去見到Henry bor, 佢同我都有break, so 就去o左canteen 吹水. 佢先排virus 入o左淋巴腺, 條頸同大腿腫晒, 好恐怖呢... 重影響肝功能, 又無藥食. 好在佢依家無事jar. Huh... 要開始溫書lu, 努力concentrate.

P.S. bro proof that adidas superstar ar sucks to wear, lucky i haven't get one.