2005-02-27 12:14:37傻Q

Jokes around us ..... Always

2月18號, reli go to kitchen to wash dishes. 起初 elvis 同alan 講話我唔想洗碗, 諗住搭 taxi 走. That's ture. Alan 即刻黑晒面. Anyway 我 tue promise 佢我會洗, promise o左就要做. 不過我真係無胃口食飯. Fri 唔太多人, so dishes not much. 文少同danny 幫o左我好多, 好多o野已經唔洗我做, 文少 just let me to “剪草”. I know alan sometimes go in kitchen to check me out. Finally, break o既時候, 佢走入o黎同我講若果我早d話唔做, 佢搵第二個洗. 我其實唔係咁想聽佢講o野, so I said, “I promise u be4, rite ? & I'm washing dishes now, rite ? then it's fine.” Not reli bad yesterday.

2月19號, elvis drive me back workplace. He seems unhappy, not much to say when he drove (when someone unhappy, I dun disturb him la). David 返o左o黎, today 佢洗碗. Alan 同我講我都重係handle 唔好個job, 佢話請唔到做唔到take away o既人. 佢都叫番david 番o黎啦, 咁有需要我咩? Next fri, david 返, 我唔洗 (咁都好, 我可以等result). Elvis 原來同monica 鬧交. 一個響出面食lunch時, 另外一個響kitchen. 我dmates 都想8 乜o野事, especially Jessie. Monica 黑晒面埋檯食飯, 咁q 多位唔坐, 係要叫我move, 佢就 sit between me and Jessie. i dunno y she did that, but if she got bad mood plz control it, have IQ but no EQ is no gd. Meet David the 1st time, he's a nice guy ya ~ may be he's a silly boy but is much better than the others already. Much simple. However, 文少 is quit poor tonite, due to David efficiency, David can't finish his dishes washing job, so 文少 used to help him & also need to clean the floor. He ask me to clean the floor ya, however if alan saw me sweeping floor, may be he will scold me " y not done your waitress job 1st".

Do u think it's better for me to quit my job ? i dun wanna to give up so easily. Got not much mood to work there. U know, to be honest, it's difficult to pretend to be friendly with the ones i dun like.

2月22號, workplace 依然無客, 而我都係俾alan 話….. 佢話boss 都係返o黎搵佢拎幾張cheques, 我兩檯客都攪唔掂, 重響kitchen 整take-away. Huh… 我take away o個度多人ma…. 有walk-in 入 o左o黎我都唔知. Alan 話佢鬧我唔見得我會緊張咁去做o野, 佢話唔夠david 緊張, 又唔夠david 英文好, wht can I say ? david local o黎o家, 點比姐. 佢o地班人鬧完david佢緊張到做唔到o野tim 啦. 我又要好似佢咁. 俾人diu 完要好有衝勁做o野 =__=”. 響alan 最sleepy o既時候叫佢教我用coffee machine. 因為我唔叫佢tue 教, 我sat 又俾人話. alan 重問我fri 洗唔洗碗 >"<. Back home 後, wendy 話joyce introduce her 響新食度賣點心, $ 35 / hr. 我有dsurprise, 因為新食出名賤精多, 我怕佢頂唔住.

2月23 號, 去接wendy 放工, grace 叫我同佢食dinner. Grace 話佢唔做舊食, 去o左富華村度做. 不過唔係做waitress, 係做水吧. 富華村o個度dwaiter 人工 $80 / hr, 未計tips, 裡面個個都好pro. Grace said成間o野全部都係仔, 因為佢老闆之前同一個waitress 有do野, 老闆娘唔高興… then I ask grace y she quit shark fins job ? 佢話因為o個度d人把口唔好, 成日話佢樣衰, 佢話佢去做o野而唔係去選美. 佢話o個度dmanager 好手多, 借位摸人 (oops…. Most of the manager is like that ga la). However我都想去新食學o野, 不過首先做好自己o個間先, 其實有時候, do野唔難做, 只係時間同你做o既o野match or not. 至於wendy, her 1st day job is fine.

2月24號, 出city 買wine opener, grace 話我o個把唔太得. Then want to get 2 white wine glasses. 不過大部份地方都要買one set – 4 pieces / 6 pieces. 最後去o左myer, indeed made in Romania is the best. 不過一隻都要 $ 9.95, 所以買o左國產. 都要 $ 7. 同wendy 食飯, 點知grace suddenly 被傳召開工. I ask wendy whether she will shift 去晚市到做or not. 佢話唔會啦bor, 因為晚市more side-job to do, easy to make errors. Wendy 重有份響gigi sushi 都做 (my maths too bad, even got trouble in adding up prices, can't do this job). Wendy 話架點心車好重, 好難推. so a bit proud of myself ga la, 一隻右手, 拎tray 放6 隻杯, 6-7 隻碟, spoons & folks & chopsticks 一堆, 左手水杯3 隻. After I back home, use long time to open the bottle of wine. HAHA ^ ^ got drunk tonite finally, can’t even sit on the chair. Donald on msn bagging me to sent jimmy pic to him, fuck ! His comment is “cher not reli handsome g ma, I’m better than him”. I nearly fell down from my seat. 佢持續地hard-sell 佢個friend 俾我date..... hahaa~ 好無奈, 我 20 yrs old 就要人安排相睇 , 想死.

Donald: a guy that can be model, but he refuse to do it, ha ~

26/02/05, a happy day be4, coz i got my summer course result, it's unexpected good ~ i'm quit happy, wanna share with my family, however.. my phone card got no credit. Anyway, everyone in workplace is happy, William got a new hair cut ~ Elvis & Monica haven't argue anymore ~ However, dunno wht Moncia done, Boss scold her very seriously and make her cry in restroom (Alan even wanna drive out to find her). Anyway, wht i can do is to give her a glass of water. Indeed Monica is fine after crying, she continious to work. Monica just write the table number wrongly and boss push her ~!!! (it's a minor error only). Monica can't stand to work further more tonite, so Elvis and Monica back home. Only William, Leo, Jessie and i serving (David did help a lot, got loads of dishes to wash). Boss still dun think he got anything wrong, he roaring in the kitchen, it's so loud that ppl in dinning room can heard him (he's reli out of control). Alan is not happy either, coz the restaurant is lacking employees already, if monica left, elvis might left too. In this period, already no one fill in dish washer position even bro back from HK. Still dunno when i used to work next week. Hope Alan can fixed boss's mess.

27/02/05, drunk again yesterday. 但係finally 賣o左對oompa lu ~原來o個個唔係阿差, 係一個似taiwanese o既人, 佢好鬼鼠咁俾錢俾我lol ~ earn a working day wages, that's cool, i just got work twice this week. may be no work in the next week, coz no one drive me there. Somehow, i think if I'm monica, i even can't walk out the restaurant, coz i got no car to back home. Monica still have her bf, elvis to support. How abt me ? Independent & Alone seems got the same meaning.