2005-01-26 00:50:53傻Q

魔幻廚房 ?!

Bro play MJ with restaurant guys, and he did win AU$80. I need to work on fri + Sat. SHIT! is FRI, the most busy day and hope i can help. I'm a bit scare to face the Kitchen head (個個叫佢文少, 我叫佢文哥, 佢好開心喎). He always stare @ me in a queer sight. It makes me feel uncomfortable. Lucky, bro will work with me on fri ~ 佢o個日重同阿哥講: "若果唔係知o個個係你個妹, 溝硬佢". HELP !!! 文哥佢大把女人, 去st.killda 叫雞又好, 搵幼齒又好, 唔好攪我. 文少份人無乜o野, 平日係無聊d, 不過佢輸o左馬仔, 就好有o野.

我同阿哥響屋企不停咁扮文哥講o野, 因為佢成日會講: "屌 ~ 無撚癮啦 ~". 阿哥o個日食緊保濟丸, 我就同佢講: "屌 ~ 用個口食, 無撚癮啦 ~ 用鼻索呀ma ~". 阿哥笑到噴o左d保濟丸出o黎, wahahaa, 跟住同我講: "你正仆街o黎o家 !" kakaaa. 重有學Jason o既金句: "咪玩啦.....".

btw, i still haven't start the assign which due on thu also. My group assign, i need to do it individually again. i must come over it. ECOURAGE ^ ^ Anna seems busy these days, assign + exam + driving test + work. ppl are all busy in the summer. Anna got her 21st b-day soon, and she wants a "Matching Party" after she back from HK in Mar. err....... How can i do this ? she got so many requirements... In contras, I've got no perspectives put on others (James also got his wants/ defination ><). Anyway, I suddenly love to be single, I love to c sweet couples, but not on me. I can achieve my own goals without any pressure.

finally, can chat with chris 啦, 佢話做waiter 好free, 可能我剛剛做, 唔慣o卦?! 佢好開心o家, 佢dtips 好多o家, 平日都有 26 蚊 ~ 我同佢講d廚房佬好鹹濕, chris 話呢.... 廚房佬個個都係咁o家bor, 佢o個度o個dgay o家, 會玩人asshole 同互摸. yeki ! damn shit, 個死仔耍我 >"<. 不過阿chris 哥下半身咁正 (隻腳好sexy lol), gay o既好難唔攪佢o既 ~

廚房 - 一個好可怕o既地方, 日日同一堆麻甩佬一齊, 我有時真係希望我係一個男人..........