2005-01-14 00:51:05傻Q


1月10號, 出o左city 做gym, bro 先頭話同我出街, 但係後尾話無錢, 其實同阿k 去o左chadstone. 又講大話, 重同anna 講係我唔同佢出去囉. 好嬲, 一個人去o左Richmond ikea, 跟住再響 Richmond o既branch 再做gym ! totally 一日做o左3 個hrs.

1月11號, I and bro go to PSC at 1 pm and wait for those skatebroaders. There are so many local teens there. v ar the only Chinese in the queue. v had waited 4 half an hr. After v have a look of those skatebroaders, bro ask to leave, but i refused. Altought i dunno much abt skatebroading and those stars, I think it's a respect and a bit admire. coz i really want to learn how to skate. I think it will be fun like riding a bike. It was unexpected that v got free tees and some sneaker stickers. we got a signed poster. And I help my bro take photos with the stars (my bro is selfish that he never have any intension help me to take photos with the stars ! and suck ! he's going to show-off in HK-K).

Happy to meet Forbees and Supa. Danny Supa is a friendly guy ~ By the way, these days I read the sneakers news again (i'm back from retired), not coz of anybody, but 4 $$. i think i can caught up in 2 weeks.

at nite 去o左anna 屋企打邊爐. 尋晚都好開心. Nice dinner, always enjoy staying with friends

1月13號, 好fuck o既一日. 超熱超曬, 焗死咁滯. 一早返o左deakin 去搵ITS Help Desk d人, 點知..... 佢o地唔知死晒去邊o既~ 我唔知佢o地點解會響opening hrs 唔響位. so use internal uni phone 打去ITS. finally check 到乜事, 原來係我library o既overdue fee 未交, 佢lock o左我個account, 不過佢o地從未寄過bill 俾我交錢喎. 呢o家o野真係好抵diu o家, 3 個sem textbks fee 都只係 $11 + SG fee ~ 抵 ! 不過佢o地話個a/c 要24 hrs 先recover 到 (都唔知係咪o既~). then 我去o左見course advisor, o個個死肥婆... 我study 多2 個selective 關佢乜事姐? 我shift major o黎讀唔得o家咩? 我拎26 個credits grad 唔得咩? 佢問我讀咁多做乜wor? 我真係得啖笑lor.... 俾錢學o野都要reason o家咩? 依家攪到我無得讀 financial planning 喇. claim 3 個major 會唔會太貪心呢? 可能天氣太熱, 個course advisor 同我都好燥.

去o左chadstone 試bikini~~ haha~~ 我未試過ma... 不過我怕嚇親大家, 重有係我個胸唔夠勁, 唔係好頂得住, 我認.

尋晚bid 唔到個puma sneaker keychain, so contact o左個seller, 佢先前唔太信我響overseas, 因為我個e-mai a/c 用 yahoo.com.hk 囉 ~ 好無奈啦, 大佬, 一定要hk residients 先用得hk 個yahoo mail box o家?! 遲d會唔會唔響hk 住上唔到 yahoo hk 個site ???? Finally 我出o左一個高價俾佢, 佢話睇o下o個個bidder 要唔要先再contact 我. no problem o既, 無咪算囉 ~ 隨緣喇 ~

p.s. 重聽 "我太好人".