2006-10-21 01:19:33幸福紫 遙 iny

good volleyball match

it seems that all the bad and unhappy things have passed...
good beginning for the happy and sunny day =)

I have ethics lesson with my class today, love affairs again, and very long history of mine as well..hope that the students really understand what i have told them and they are mature enough to absorb my meaning, i’m not telling jokes, i’m serious on those matters, and i sincerely don’t want my lovely students would do the same stupid things like me (in the past).

my students had a volleyball match today, against 4A and 4C, 2B 1st team won 4A, 2B 2nd team lost...i’m proud of u, Mercy, Mandy, Carmen, Rita, Pamela Chan and Winky...though one team lost, i know that u all have tried your best, i’m really happy for u all!! Especially 1st team, u all done a good job, and 2nd team, u have also performed very well, don’t mind the result, only concern about the process, which was more important!

I’m also glad that 2A supported 2B, see, i know u will all become good friends again...i know u can love and support each other!
2A, i’m also proud of u~!!
thanks for all your support!

p.s. sigh~ i’m sick again, getting cold and serious cough!!! =(

