2007-09-01 16:50:08海鷗

I want to








I think that I am really a chicken heart,

beacuse I dodn’t have courageous

to become overdo to see nearby of you,

I fear your tears will cause my tears,

Don’t cry,do we?

I am at your nearby,am I?


Do you love me?

I very love you,

but you don’t understand my heart.

A Stupid Girl who loves a Stupid Boy sitting by her is sad,

beacuse They don’t understand each other of heart.

a Stupid Girl who loves a Stupid Boy sitting by her is very sad,

because the Stupid Boy doesn’t understand Stupid Girl’s heart,

and neither does Stupid Girl.

Hey,do you know that I love you?

Now,I want to be ypur GirlFriend,and you?

I hope you become my BoyFriend .

I want to talk with you together,

I want to be happy with you together,

I want to hold the hand with you together,

I want to embrace each other with you together,

I want to kiss with you together,

I want to do anything with you together,

I want to do anything with you forever,

We can do anything,

if we do it together.






海鷗 2007-09-01 16:51:05

gull..sometimes i just can`t really understand what u think...u have too many

secrets..things seem to be easy but in reality it`s so difficult for ya ...i don`t

know why..u can be both sunny n dark...i prefer ur positive side..but i sometimes like

ur negative personality...well..that all means>>>>i love u...and always stand by

u ...u so rock ...