2004-05-29 00:17:34檸檬糖

SNAKE ~~**introduction

When we talk about snakes, what things will come to your mind? No hands and legs? Sharp teeth? Killing preys bloodily? Many of you,if not all,must think in this way. However, I think of a love story about snakes. Am I crazy? Definitely not. Let me tell you why I choose this theme for my poem.

Many years ago,I saw a colourful snake when I went hiking. It’s as colourful as the rainbow. My teacher told me that although this snake was very beautiful, it was a poisonous snake.When I thought of this , I contemplated to write a special love story of snakes.

First, the snake was hibernating in the winter. Then,the snake started to hunt preys when summer came. At that time,it discovered her favourite dish on the ground.At last,the preys fell into the trap by themselves.

Actually, do you understand the real meaning of this poem? I try to compare the snake to a woman. She is very pretty,but she is really bad. The story is about how she cheated men. It seems that the woman was gentle and quiet. However,she was waiting for a target. Then she tried to attract the target then captured and swallowed him.

So boys, pay more attention when choosing your girlfriends. You must take it seriously. Otherwise, you may be “eaten” by your girlfriend.