2005-08-02 14:17:29Metta

Drops Of Water

Keep youe precepts.

At first you’ll make mistakes. When you realize it, stop, come back and establish your precepts again. Maybe you’ll go astray and make another mistake. When you realize it, re-establish yourself.

If you practise like this, your mindfulness will improve and become more consistent, just like the drops of waterfalling from a kettle. If we tilt the kettle just a little bit, the water drips out slowly - plop!...plop!...plop! If you we tilt the kettle a little bit more, the drops fall faster - plop, plop, polp! If we tilt the kettle even further, the water doesn’t drip anymore but pours in a steady stream.

Where do the plops go? They don’t go anywhere. They simply change into a steady stream of water.

This is how your increasing mindfulness will be.