2004-07-28 22:02:07尚未設定

NBA季前前瞻 + 近況速遞

19/7/2004 HKT 2:30am 睡不了

Eastern Conference

Indiana: 以新換來的stephen jackson上陣大約25-30分鐘可令隊長miller有充足的體力去投出致勝球 .. 明智 .. 加上換走harrington可令上季季末大有表演的bender有更多上場時間
New Jersey: 高層似乎要為放走k-mart而付上重大責任 ! 現階段kidd表示因拍擋離隊亦想離隊 .. 沒有k-mart的網隊門票可以賣出嗎 ?
Detroit: joe dumars雖已退休但眼光依然銳利 ! 上兩年的大改做令活塞成為總冠軍 .. 加上買入了mcdyess(原來larry brown跟他份屬好友!) .. 如虎添翼 .. 問題是能否保持健康 .. 估計會二連霸
Miami: 我完全不能理解pat riley可用上季帶領球隊的odom .. 勤力的b.grant .. 成長中的butler加上下年選秀權換一個已經32歲的shaq .. 但考慮到東岸內線較弱及給予明日之星wade更多進步空間 .. 這個交易仍算是可以吧
New Orleans: 若mashburn健康的話黃蜂的陣容是最全面和最完整的 .. 可是下季將會在西岸比賽 .. 未必能擠身季後賽
Milwaukee: terry porter果然利害 ! 以工兵型球員分工合作打入頭六 .. 期望可換入更佳的控球後衛
New York: 自isaiah thomas接手管理球會後 .. 球隊年輕化 .. 找來迎合市場的球員加上以"博贏心態"去交易 .. 結果是出乎意料的好 .. 來季將以外圍及速度製勝 .. 可是籃底一般 .. 另外要留意新人ariza
Boston: danny ainge的超大膽作風無人不知 .. 而現在的波士頓將會是上年魔術的翻版 ! 但留意一位球員 -- mark blount
Cleveland: 本來今季有望進身季後賽 .. 可惜前幾天球隊沒有挽留有星級表現的boozer(一年前我說過他會有成績 .. 中了)現在Big Z也有意離隊吧
Philadelphia: 簽了穩定球員skinner .. 但攻擊力依然未有改善 .. 如其換7次教練 .. 倒不如換個經驗中鋒及射手吧 !
Toronto: 有"左手加納特"之稱的chris bosh是速龍唯一有的東西
Atlanta: 今年的鷹隊非常積極招兵買馬 .. 下年將以新換入的harrington .. j.terry .. dion glover及bob sura領軍 .. 速度極高
Washington: 換走積弱的stackhouse和態沉的leattner .. 換來的是平均分可高達25分的jamison .. 加上hugues打回得分 .. 年輕的jerreries及hayes .. 陣容完整
Chicago: hinrich正在進步 .. j.crawford有很多球會都想簽他 .. 下年應該由他們來當榜末大班啦 !
Orlando: 擁有新人狀元wright .. cato .. mobley .. franchise .. brandon hunter .. 與及我喜愛的新人jameer nelson .. 看起來挺好的 .. 可是各人打法有異 .. 難以融合而且nelson亦無用武之地(控球)
Charlotte: 新球隊在選人方面不俗 .. 除了新人大熱之一的emeka okafor之外 .. 亦挑選了數名老將加三分可依賴的kapano .. 準備當正選的g.wallace .. eddie house .. melvin ely等 .. 我個人很期待 !

Since i have spent so much time on typing the preview of next season of NBA .. gotta use Eng now b'cos it's quicker than typing Chi ..

I actually have to apologize that this online diary hasn't been entried anything for more than a month .. i kn i'm too lazy to get on here and type sth down but i was busy and away for a week during the holiday .. ar .. right .. i went to my church's youth camp for 4 days .. it was fantastic .. the site is picturesque and i reckon it was the best camp i have ever had !! It was creative .. fresh and well organized .. i mean really well ! I performed Taekwondo as well .. which was fabulous ! then started skool for a week already ..

Just lost the game tonight (Church team) .. again .. i hate losing games .. and i have lost 12 games on the road !! i never had this shit in my basketball career b4 .. it's definitely a shame plus very frustrated .. dunno what to do with it .. i mean even i tell my teammates what to do and how to do .. they would say "yes, of course, sure!" but then the same old thing .. they just forget what they have to do on the court .. like tonight .. i got 2 guys checked on me all night long .. then i asked my teammates to set screen for me but they did nothing .. my team was in trouble .. we couldn't do much but i still got 12 .. which was half the scores of the whole team got .. i do feel my importance and existence to my team but on the other hand i need helpers to help other teammates out .. and also the "purposes & incentives" of playing for this team of everyone is quite different .. it just annoys me .. anyway .. i hope i will figure sth out later on ..

i think i'm just dedicated to basketball .. and i'm really determined to it especially after lost .. so i can't fall asleep .. it reminds me sth .. few days ago when i talked to someone .. i told him/her that my goal is still to be a professional basketball player .. he/she was sorta having a "looking down" smile .. i was like .. what the hell is it ? are u looking dowm upon me ? i just gotta fuck (i'm sorrie but i really have to use it !) anyone who has ever looked down on me including guys and ladies .. bastards and bitches .. even church-goers .. i dunno why even Christians are like some people having bad behaviour .. a church is supposed to be a place of harmony .. joyful .. happy and peaceful but it's not .. and some people are artificial and stuff like that .. so .. it's fucked up ..

I actually typed these things few days ago but kept on forgetting to put it on this web site until Yan reminded me again .. ha .. thx Yan .. she's good b'cos she's sorta a loyal reader of this .. at this point i gotta say thank you to everyone once again !! b'cos this web site has been read more than 10000 times already !! thx kindly for your time !!

anyway .. forgot to tell y'all .. i went to the Formal party which is considered as the only one in my life .. that's only how i think .. some people said that we can have it in Uni but dun u reckon it's the best chance to gather every HIGH SCHOOL mates together and enjoy ? but .. yea .. different people different views .. so i went .. of course .. with my nice suit and my beautiful partner .. Fiona .. and u kn what .. we won the cutest couple award !! haha .. the most precious moment was dancing on the dancing floor by ourselves with everybodies' eye on us !! how great was it .. so it was the greatest night ever !

Yea .. i finally took myself a dayoff today .. ha .. it was the first absent since the beginning of this yr .. woo .. unbelievable .. i missed a lot of classes last yr .. but u kn .. i'm working pretty hard this yr .. wanting to go to ideal uni plus a push by Fiona so didn't take any whole-day-leave .. anyway .. i didn't waste my day .. i revised my weakness of Economic and finally got my Chinese oral done .. i just couldn't be bothered on the last few days ..

that's all .. i better get goin .. quite tired .. c u guys later .. sorrie for delay .. Nite Nite ~ ZzzzZzZZzzZZzzZZzZzzZZ