2004-03-14 21:30:00尚未設定

點解 ??

14/3/2004 HKT 8:10

首先要多謝聰少a.k.a Vince Carter da Fatta Version .. Lillian同埋"我的朋友" .. 你居然話好耐無見 ?! 我真係一d頭緒都無 .. 多謝你地o既留言同支持 ~

o岩o岩打完比賽 .. 又輸 .. 32:28 .. 臨尾30秒輸4分 .. 就係咁輸o左 .. 我無機會射波 .. 有段時間無機會掂波 .. 無人幫我 .. 但係點解個個都要話我 ?? 點解輸親波就賴落我到 ?? 點解要比晒d責任我 ?? 點解唔問下自己 ?? 點解唔了解o既又要話我 ?? 我決定o左唔再帶lee隊波 .. 我諗係我唔o岩lee隊波 .. 點解我又鍾意o左個唔鍾意我o既人 ??

i'm a Sucker .. a damn garbage basketballa .. everyone blames me without a wonder .. Fucka .. why do i have to take all the responsibility to increase the winnin' possibility and being blamed without humanity ? can't we become more unity and think about the main thing - Christianity ?