2007-10-10 16:27:48 雄 "

 阿 桑 。 葉 子

↓ 英 文 版

Leaves....Are wings that cannot soar

Wings...Are leaves that rest in the sky

Heaven...Is not ment to be an illusion

Yet I have long forgotten...

How did I first start soaring

*Loneliness...Is a one-man revelry

Revelry...Is a group of loneliness

Affection...Is sprung from company

Yet it is starting to fade...

How was it like to be in company

#I feast alone...Travel...Pausing and hitting the road

And read alone...Writing...Talking and listening to myself

Yet my mind is gone with the wind

Nowhere to be found

Losing...Not only you

Repeat # *,#,#

Leaves....Are wings that cannot soar

Wings...Are leaves that rest in the sky

↓ 中 文 版

葉子 是不會飛翔的翅膀
翅膀 是落在天上的葉子
天堂 原來應該不是妄想
只是我早已經遺忘 當初怎麼開始飛翔

*孤單 是一個人的狂歡
 狂歡 是一群人的孤單
 愛情 原來的開始是陪伴
 但我也漸漸地遺忘 當時是怎樣有人陪伴

#我一個人吃飯 旅行 到處走走停停
 也一個人看書 寫信 自己對話談心
 只是心又飄到了哪裡 就連自己看也看不清 我想我不僅僅是失去你

Repeat # *,#,#

葉子 是不會飛翔的翅膀
翅膀 是落在天上的葉子