2009-09-27 11:45:17KISARAGI~RYO~


13 years old boy, first time went to China, He had a dream,
and he had confidence to makes it come true.

16, he went to Singapore and Malaysia,He had the same dream,
and he strongly thought he can make it!

17, he went to Vancouver Canada, he found his Ruby diamond,
he’s been start to working hard on everything, just wanna proved that
he’s serious for the only Ruby ...
but it was his destiny never to see the diamond again...
he lost the way...

His faith of dream,began to disappearing...
but he doesn’t realized...it’s like...u lost something unintentionally...

18 years old, he was unconscious of his dream and love....

19,he told him self, keep the faith that what u had at past,
but how?

concealed of despairing tears,
happiness wish has froze under the moonlight,
visionary feeling as cruel as monsoon,aways blew fell the grief leaf,
to pressured has died the reality butterfly...
does meteor really makes dream come true?
just wish for more colorful light,when chrysalis becomes new Hope...
and beautifully showing the new Faith.

