2009-04-19 17:00:36High Priestess

Criticizing How To Be A Wisdom

After watching the TED presentation of “The real crisis? We stopped being wise” by Barry Schwartz, I have different opinions about that.

He emphasized on the moral of our life playing an important role to solve the present crisis. However, many people think that the moral issue is too wishful and is impossible to reach. I agree that moral issues are important but not the major way to solve our problem and to become a wise man.

Freud proposed the id, ego and superego to explain how human inner mental works. Id represents self-centered, selfish and desirous. And superego represents the moral standards. Last, ego balances between id and superego to satisfy our desires and also conform to the moral grounds.

What I think is better way to improve our wisdom is learning how to have a stronger ego.

We cannot contravene the nature, which we want to acquire more after we got the lower level desires. But we are social animal, who live in the group with the social norm which influence our behaviors and decisions all the time, so we should follow the moral of our society.

Therefore, the best way is training our ego how to evaluate the right or wrong, how to distinguish the importance of the social norms, and how to balance and repress our desires.  

In Freud’s theory, a major part of ego is living in the conscious and another is in unconscious.

We should let our ego live more time in the conscious to make us perceiving this world.

