2008-04-04 15:33:06焦糖嗎啡



四萬多 加有的沒的 湊成五萬多 還換了一隻 harrods 的熊寶寶 (感謝 mastercard)

不過是等到今年才終於有閒空的時間 摸清楚怎麼使用單眼相機

雖然 到現在還不是很清楚照片色調的好壞 或是光線的控制

Helen 2008-04-07 12:03:44

thanks for the tips... :)
I really wants a macro lense, but perhaps close up adapter should be sufficent for the time being.

HotDuck 2008-04-05 15:25:17

Close up adapter works like an inexpensive macro lens. You screw it to the front of your existing lens (you`ll need a close up adapter with the same thread size as your existing lens, or else you`ll need to use a step up or step down adapter) and your camera auto focuses the same way but it allows you to get closer. Or you can also use an extension tube which goes BETWEEN your lens and the camera body. Again, it just allows you to get closer to your subject. When you want to get more serious (and spend more money), then a dedicated macro lens is the way to go. You can use an extension tube with the macro lens and get REALLY close as well.


helen 2008-04-05 13:08:15

wow.. i did not know you can do that... you are right, the light of the pictures is bit too crisp, even 1/8 sec was used to get those pictures.

how does close up adapter works... and how is it different from macro lens?