2003-01-02 18:48:56R-> 優

1/2 will be fine ~~~TREASURE~~

HEy Mitsuru~~~~

I sent back ur mails to you cuz it's memories ~~
no matter what the end~~~
should treasure this~~~~
for me now i cant but i don't wanna wasts anything was good ~~~~~~

I decide to send it back to you~~
dont delete it please~~~~~
Do ur considerate for me last time ~~~~
One day i will ask it back ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
cuz memories should be treasure and i am trying to learn it even.

I find my way just like i said ~~ I will find my way ~~~

Treasure is my way ~~~ Treasure any single memories .
every single word .any single smile ~~ any tears ~~~~~~

I like myself now ~~cuz I can say that without regret ~~~
I tried my best ~~ I did all my effort . 一生懸命~~~
I did lost my feeling b4. but i did tried to find it back~~~
cuz i dont wanna sorry for anyone even myself.

I did all i can do. even when i know that it's not same anymore since Oct.
I can smile . can yall that ~~~
never regret ~~:)

nice summer ~~
It's sunshine today ~~~~~~
we still friends cuz sould try to make everyone feel better ~~~~if you choose so ~~~
Friends is okay for me i think ~~~~~
we have been so closed ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I know you more than you think ~~~
so if you need or anything ~~~
 I .Jully ~ will be ur friend forever ~~~here~~stand for you ~~

smile MitZ ~ you know what ?? you look more sunshine than b4 this time you came ~~~
I am glad to see so :)

Treasure ~~~~~~~~~and face the feeling truth :)
well ~~ miss my smile and miss my yall :)

sky is clean today ~~~~
stars is pretty ~~~~~~~
sunshine is calling me out ~~~ I am a girl sould be smile and Sunny .

I think i am going back to CAnada next summer for little trip :)
the sky have to be wide and smile have to be truth ~~~
cuz its Jully ~~~~~~

I try . I smile . I treasure . did my all effort and say i am not sorry for myself or anyone .
I  Jully , smile for life :)

not thanks for you cuz good memories .i believe i did give you a lot of memories too :)

weather is nice :) everyone will have a good year

we are still friends so I wont stop miss you ~~but in friend view :)
sould be all good :)  even i am slow but i learned a lot :) all good :D

fellow ur feeling and smile :)
hug :)
you was my sweetie :) but now~~  keep in touch . my friend ~~~

Jully ~~~

=treasure every single smile , life. feeling . chance :) and person =