2004-04-19 11:34:00R-> 優


i guess i become lazier updating the life here.
maybe because life going way too busy here ..

let's me tell you what happend to me recently..

my cheerleading competion was on 4/7.04.
the end of MArch..the day EXACTLY a week b4 the competition..
i falled down from the BASs..which means..it about 3M high..or higher.......

my head...well...unfortuntly hit the floor at that time.
I spend 2 month for this game..but after all i cant even get on the stage..

well..take care of myself is more importane i guess..

anyway ..

do u remember the guy i metioned who got the same face w/M last time?

well. we are dating now.
it really unexpected ..but it's good anyway .

tell you about him next time..
i gtg.

/tell me how's ur life going on when u see this. k ?/