2016-04-08 02:15:16juliakpyq7y1

英文教材推薦 免費學習網 bmd中文意思是什麼

    英文教材推薦 免費學習網兒童美語班 英文 推薦英文學習app 台灣英語教育免費英文學習網 語言學習法一對一的英文 免費線上英語教學學唱歌技巧 家教中心 英檢初級成績查詢全民英檢初級單字 新竹 兒童美語 語言學 英文玩遊戲學英文 英檢初級 學英文對話





BMD = ballistic missile defence 彈道導彈防禦系統。

  • The effect of gukangning capsule on osteoporosis was evaluated by radiology, morphometry, bmd and biomechanics of bone

  • Osteoporosis is a serious healthy disease, which is characterized by low bone mineral density ( bmd ) and deterioration of skeletal microarchitecture, leading to increased risk of fragility fracture

  • In ovx rats, not only bone mineral density ( bmd ) of lumbar vertebrae in vivo and vitro, but also bmd of femora ( except for r3 region ) and proximal metaphysis ( r1 region ) in vitro decreased obviously ( p < 0. 01 ) , whose bone loss rates of l5 and l6 were the highest and achieved 13 % ; the trabeculae of ovx rats were few , fine, and discontinued and there were lacunae on the surface ; in ovx rats, both compressive strength of vertebral bodies and the mechanical properties of femora decreased ; the falling degree of the former was greater ; the maximal compressive power of lumbar vertebrae decreased with 33. 32 %

    結果顯示:大鼠卵巢切除后,活體、離體腰椎以及股骨(除r3區) 、脛骨近端干骺端( r1區)的離體骨密度顯著下降( p < 0 . 01 ) ,離體l5和l6的骨丟失率最大,達13 % ;骨小梁減少、變細,連接中斷,骨小梁表面有吸收陷窩;腰椎壓縮強度和股骨力學性能均下降,前者更明顯,腰椎最大壓縮力下降率達33 . 32 % 。
  • 3 ) we tested total - family association, within - family association ( via tdt ), and linkage, between the bsrbl marker and bone phenotypes ( bmd and bone size ) at the spine and the hip ( femoral neck, torchanter and intertrochanter ) in chinese 402 nuclear families with a total number of 1263, and found the suggestive linkage ( p - 0. 037 ) between the il - 6 bsrbl maker and the li _ 4 spine bmd. no significant association and linkage was found for bone size and hip bmd. the present studies represented molecular genetic research of bone mineral density, and identified some factors related to bmd in chinese 英語教學網站 英文免費學習

    3 )在徵集的402個核心家庭包括1263個個體組成的上海樣本中,利用傳遞不平衡檢測法( tdt ) 、關聯分析和連鎖分析,檢測了白介素6基因和不同骨骼位點(腰椎、股骨頸、大轉子、轉子間區)的骨密度、骨大小之間的連鎖和/或關聯關系,並發現白介素6基因的bsrb工標記和控制腰椎骨密度的數量性狀位點( qtl )之間存在連鎖的證據( p = 0 . 037 ) 。
  • Correlation between bmd and it ' s biomechanical factors and the investigation for ms, fs in shanghai women


    blvd, bm, bma, bmds, bme, bmews


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