2007-06-09 08:42:34濑 名




我不敢和他比较,但我深有同感。因为很多时候你要脱离自己本身去构造文章and try to RPG (角色扮演),as a result, I will be crazy in my life.

Fortunately, I could do my writing with my will freely, I could enjoy my personal writing time. However I was sooooooo busy everyday doing some boring heavy work such as hard work, communion with my tutors and so on. I lose myself in this hurried time. I was soooooooo sorry about this, because I hadn’t written any words for a long time. But don’t worry; I will continue to write these which share with my dear readers. :- )

Due to the time, environment and people changed, my style in my writing changed as well. In here, I want to thank you for my friends sooooooooooo much. You !!! always be my side. This is the power which helps me, keep me alived.

Well, let me do some introduce here.

First of all, “The Mineworker wears Prada” is coming soon but the problem is grammar, I am still putting efforts on it. I have no idea if my overseas friends could understand my Chinglish. In fact, I and my friends don’t have any intercourse problems in daily life, daily communicate is fine, trust me it is really fine (in my opinion, at least there is one could understand me). I try to do my best on this. I hope that I can share my writings with more people, maybe more strangers.


故事開始是一封請貼,講的是同性戀故事。其實我5想用同性戀這個詞,我覺得它們和所謂的正常人戀愛是一樣的,有背叛,劈腿,利用~~~~~~~~~。當然也有幸福,但很小。因為社會本身已經歧視它們,然後家人也不會體諒。所以它們的戀愛很辛苦,而且也有些故事讓我很感動。裏面的內容有逼婚,年齡,BB~~~~~ a lot of women or girls interesting topics.

In fact,這個故事是為阿文而寫的,希望她早日把到妹。放心,我會用繁體中文去寫。記得給我買煙就行了。 :- )

At the end, I want to say some things to you.




jack chan 2007-06-22 01:01:40
