2019-02-15 06:43:00jppzjrv13pxn

【搶手商品】Britax R-mer 自行車兒童座椅 Jockey Relax 熱銷禮物


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Britax Römer Children's Bike Seat Jockey Relax 設計式樣: Black/Grey · 2019

Let your little explorer breathe some fresh air! The children's bike seat by Britax Römer provides your child with a safe spot on your bike - made in Germany. That way, big and small bike tours alike are going to be enjoyable activities for you and your child.

The Römer bike seat Jockey Relax is suitable for children with a weight from 9 kg to 22 kg which corresponds to an age of approx. 9 months up to 5 years. It has plenty of safety and comfort features.

Easy and strong! The bracket for the Jockey Relax is to be attached to the bicycle's frame. After that the bike seat just needs to snap in the spring steel bracket and you are ready to start your bike tour. The bike seat is to be installed in a forward-facing mode right behind the bicycle rider. If your wish to ride your bike without the Römer bike seat, you simply need to detach it from the bracket. That way, you can stay flexible at all times!

The comfort harness is indispensable for maintaining the safety of your little explorer. The three-point belt, which features a soft padding and an easy-to-use key lock, can be adjusted single-handedly so that you can adapt it perfectly to the size of your child. The extra-large spokes cover prevents your child's feet from getting into the spokes. A special highlight is the backrest which can be adjusted single-handedly from a seating into a comfortable resting position.

In order to make sure that your child is provided with a high level of seating comfort, you can easily adjust the footrest as to adapt it to your little one's leg length. That way, you little passenger can enjoy every ride on the bike with you to the fullest. The reversible cover features a soft padding and can be removed and machine washed.

You can choose from two different colour variants.

Please note: In order to use this children's bike seat on a second bike, you can purchase a second bracket (not included in delivery) optionally in our accessory section.

Please keep in mind: A bicycle with a children's bike seat attached always changes its riding behaviour. Thus you might need to adapt your riding style. For the sake of your child's safety, you should always make sure that s/he is wearing a bike helmet!


  • Suitable for children with a weight between 9 kg and 22 kg (approx. 9 months up to 5 years)

  • Available in different colours

  • Backrest adjustment to easily change from upright to reclined position, reversible cover

  • Extra-large spoke cover minimises risk of injury

  • Multiply-adjustable footrests

  • Comfortable harness system with plug-in buckle with single-handed adjustment

  • Solid workmanship; sturdy spring steel bracket

  • Installation: behind the bike rider, with bracket and spring steel bracket (tools are not included - hexagon wrench and open-end wrench)

  • Weight 5.6 kg

  • Dimensions: H 71.2 x W 46 x D 43 cm

  • Made in Germany

Suitable for:

  • Touring bikes and sports bikes

  • Wheel sizes 26'' and 28''

  • Tube diameter 28 to 40 mm

  • Width of rack up to 150 mm

  • Circular saddle tubes




Britax R?mer 自行車兒童座椅 Jockey Relax





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對此,專家解釋,這些巨蚊是美洲大蚊(Psorophora ciliata),通常發生洪水災情後,因為蚊子在積水處產卵,才會導致大量蚊蟲孳生。專家也呼籲民眾不要太緊張,因為不久後氣溫將下降,蚊子會逐漸滅跡,但民眾日前出門最好噴灑防蚊劑,並穿著長衣長褲出門。

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美國是目標 大批移民已跨越危墨邊界

(德國之聲中文網)據墨西哥《勞動報》(La Jornada)日前(10月21日)報道,全副武裝的墨西哥警察清理了移民的道路。主要來自洪都拉斯的這些人被送往距離邊境約40公裡的塔帕丘拉市。


紅十字會組織在塔帕丘拉搭建起帳篷並向疲憊不堪的難民发放食物。 當地居民也伸出援助之手,為難民送食品和飲用水。據救援組織稱,大約有7500人正在前往美國的途中,但是沒有官方提供的數字。

墨西哥當局呼籲移民注冊登記,申請庇護簽證。墨西哥地方移民局負責人埃切維裡亞(Francisco Echeverría)表示,目前墨西哥的移民很混亂,無法繼續前行。從塔帕丘拉市到美國邊境還有2018熱銷產品開店送禮推薦3800公裡的路程。

與此同時,洪都拉斯總統埃爾南多斯(Juan Orlando Hernández)在與危地馬拉總統莫拉雷斯( Jimmy Morales)就難民危機問題進行了磋商。莫拉雷斯對移民提出批評,指責他們借機違反邊防規定。他呼籲當事人重返故鄉並承諾對他們給予支持。

熱銷禮物特朗普发表推文強調,不會讓移民進入美國,並表示將封鎖南部邊境。此前他曾威脅危地馬拉、洪都拉斯和薩爾瓦多,如果不召回移民將停止所有財政援助。一周多前,大約3000危地馬拉人或徒步或者乘坐大巴逃往美國。他們在全球最暴力的城市之一聖佩德羅蘇拉(San Pedro Sula)通過社交媒體約定一起逃亡。一路上,加入的人越來越多。


Britax R?mer 自行車兒童座椅 Jockey Relax

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