2004-08-17 02:48:26JP of OZ

Oh Lord, I have sinned.

Instead of buying a cupboard to store my shoes, I spent the money on a pair of new flip-flops made of leather on Saturday. Yes, I know it's silly to spend XXX sfr on a pair of flip-flops. But I'm ultra-critical about flip-flops; it has to be made of right material (preferably leather, other natural materials are acceptable, but absolutely not plastic or rubber); elegant design of course and acceptable prices. Therefore I rarely find a pair that pleases me. I've been looking for a new pair for 3 years and never found one that excites my inner shoppoholic-devil. Well, I finally did last Saturday. I was reluctant at the first, since even with 40% off it still costs XXX sfr. 3 figures for a pair of flip-flops? That's a bit indeed much, even for Prada flip-flops. At first, my reason kicked in and I decided to give them up, despite that I really do like them. Unfortunately, Carli, my best friend and shopping buddy, was with me at the time and I had let her to talk me into buying them at the end. "Gee, they are gorgeous and look so comfy to wear." "They are on sale and they still have your size." "You know how picky you are about shoes; it's probably going to take you another 3 years to find a pair of flip-flops that you like this much;.... plus it's a Prada."........ well, a moment of weakness has cost me a storage cupboard. And the reason why we went into that shop in the first place was Carli wanted to try the shoes she saw in the display window. She didn't buy a thing, I, who accompanied her, did. Ugh! Still, I love my new flip-flops (as long as I ignore the numbers in my bank account this month).

The other sin that I've committed that instead of doing my laundry I spent the time on watching Alias and the water polo match between Germany and Greece. And on the top of that I engorged whole 150g devine white chocolate with coconut splits during the match. It was exquisitely delicious, but this week I have to pay for that sin. I have to work out more to burn those calories.

Nonetheless, there were still some productivities (futile productivities to be honest) done over the weekend. I've taped the broadcasts of the opening concert of this year's Lucerne Festival (Fleming sining "Die letzte vier Lieder", Urmana, Treleavan and Pape singing Act 2 of T&I, Abbado cond.), Tancredi of the Rossini Music festival and Die tote Stadt of the Salzburger Festival; and transfered King Arthur (Salzburg) and Rape of Lucretia (Munich) onto CDs.