2005-03-20 19:12:09尚未設定


Mom: Hi, Forrest.

Forrest: What's the matter, mom?

Mom: I'm dying, Forrest. Come on in, sit down, over here.

Forrest: Why are you dying, mom?

Mom: It's my time, it's just my tiem. Oh, now don't be afraid, sweet heart. Death is just the part of life. Somewhere all is destined to do. I didn't know it. But I was destined to be your mama. I did the best I could.

Forrest: You did good, mama.

Mom: Well, I haven't believed you make your own destiny. You have to do the best with what God gives you.

Forrest: What's my destiny, mom?

Mom: You're going to have to figure it out for yourself. Life's like a bar of chocolate, Forrest. You'll never know what you'll get.

Forrest: Supid as stupid does.

Forrest: Miracles happen everyday. Somebody don't think so but they do. You've to get to put the past behink you before you can move on.


The unconditional surrender of Germany has just been announced. At midnight tonight the war is over. Tomorrow you begin the process of looking for survivals of your families. In most cases, you won't find them. After six long yars murder, victims are being mourned throughout the world. We survived. Many of you have come up to me and thank to me. Thank yourselves. Thank your fearless Stern, and others among you who worried about you have faced to death every moment. I'm a member of Nazi Party and munitions manufacturer and profiteer of slave labour. I am the criminal. At midnight you will be free, and I 'll be hunted. I should remain with you five minutes after midnight, after which time, I hope you would forgive me, I have to flee. I know you have received the order from the commander which he received from his superior to dispose of the population of this camp. Now it would be the time to do it. Here they are. They are here. This is your opporunity. Or you could leave and return to your families as a man instead of murderers. In memory of coutless victims among your people, I ask to observe three minutes of silence.

Narrator: There are many perfectly nice cats in the world. But every bowl has its bad apples, and ther's an old saying,"Beware the bad cat, bad in a grudge..."

Cat: Look, I probably shouldn't say this, but I'm not sure if you realized how much the other animals are laughing at you for this sheep-dog business.

Babe: Why would they do that?

Cat: Well, they said that you forgot that you are a pig. Isn't that silly? And they even said that you don't know what pig's for.

Babe: What do you mean "What pig's for"?

Cat: You know why pigs're here?

Babe: Why are any others here?

Cat: Well, the boss is the femail. The dogs aid the boss's husband with the sheep. And I made it a beautiful affection to the boss.

Babe: Yes.

Cat: The fact is pigs don't have a purpose just like ducks don't have a purpose.

Babe: I...I dont' understand...

Cat: All right, for your own sake, I'll be blunt. Why do the bosses keep ducks? To eat them. So why do the bosses keep a pig? The fact is that animals don't seem to have a purpose ---- really do have a purpose, the bosses have to eat. It's probably the most notable purpose of all when you come to think about it.

Babe: They eat pigs?

Cat: Pork, they call it, or bacon. They may call them pigs when they are alive.

(Luckily....I'm still a PIG~~~~)