2011-03-28 15:38:40josky

翻譯文章-意圖的能量The Energy of Intention



意圖的能量The Energy of Intention(Jennifer Hoffman)



Monday, 7 March, 2011  (posted 23 March, 2011)

Once we begin to view ourselves as energetic beings living in an energetic world we can understand the relationship that exists between the soul and the human, which is a mirror of that between heaven and earth. While our focus tends to be fixed on our humanity, because it is what we are aware of, we are a blend of many different energies, which we control through our thoughts. Each thought is an intention, a command we issue to the energy that surrounds us so it can manifest into being.


It is the nature of energy to become, that is its sole purpose. And we are the ones who have the power to command it. In fact, it only responds to us. Imagine being surrounded by a multitude of beings, all focused on you, waiting for you to tell them what to do. That is exactly what we are as humans living in an energetic world. We are surrounded by energy whose only purpose is to do what we ask. And we ask through intention.


Every thought is an intention, a commandment that goes out and is manifested exactly as it is. Does this change the way you view your thoughts? It should because each one is equally powerful and is responded to in the same way. There are no good or bad thoughts, there are only thoughts. There are no good or bad manifestations, as each on depends on our level of vibration, the energetic frequencies we carry and how connected we are to our power and aware of it. The more power we put into our thoughts, the greater the energetic response.

每一個思想都是一個意圖,一個命令出現然後被顯化如它所是。這個是否改變了你對你自己的看法?它應是的,因為每一人都是有一樣的力量的且被同樣的方法回應。沒有好或壞的想法,他們只是想法。沒有好或壞的顯化, 如同每一個都是視我們自身震動頻率而定。我們所攜帶的能量頻率和它如何連接我們是看我們的力量和覺知它。我們放進更多的力量在我們的思想裡,就有更多的能量回應我們

While we focus on using intention as a tool in manifestation, we are not aware that all of our thoughts are part of intention and they all manifest. So the powerless, limiting, self-defeating thought gets as much attention and create as much as the powerful, limitless, self-affirming one. When we have a mixture of thoughts, they tend to cancel each other out and our creation is blocked. What is your intention for your life, success, relationships or love? What are you thinking about them? Each thought is an intention so to create the highest and best outcomes for yourself, remember that each one gets the same response and is going to create in the same way. Choose the ones you really want and that is what you will get.

當我們聚焦在使用意圖像使用一個工具一樣的用在顯化上, 我們並不清楚我們所有的思想是意圖的一部份而且他們都被顯化了。所以無力,限制,自我打敗的思想得到了和有力,無限制,自我肯定一樣多的的注意和創造。當我們有了一個混合的思想,它們傾向取消互相然後我們的創造就被阻礙了。什麼是你的生命意圖,成功,關係或愛?你是怎麼想它們的?每一個思想是一個意圖所以為你自己去創那最高和最好(最高至善)的成果吧,記得每一個都得到同樣的回應並且將會被同樣的方法創造。選擇你真的想要的然後那就是你將會得到的。