2014-05-05 23:21:11Selena

哥哥首次交換學生之旅 ~ Day 10 Cliff House+Stonestown Galleria

哥哥首次交換學生之旅 ~ Day 10 Cliff House+Cliff House Ocean Beach

+Seal Rock+St. John+Stonestown Galleria

Day 10 2014/05/04






This morning I let everyone slept in. I booked the 10am brunch at the Cliff house

for all of us including Kayo. I finally woke the kids up at 9:30am. Eason told me

 that Rusty is so... cute. And if he were to get a dog, he would also adopt a mix

breed dog. He said the pure breed ones are expensive and have genetic faults.

I told him both his parents work so he should not get one yet. He can play with

Rusty as much as he wants while he's here.




第一站~Cliff House  【Cliff House 官網

The Cliff House is right on the cliff with a view to the Seal Rock. It is famous for its

weekend brunch and I have to make reservations weeks before.




The Cliff House used to be a bath house. In the olden days, bath means taking

a dip in the sea. It was an activity only for men.

Cliff House的海灘邊,有一個已廢棄的建築物,這以前是游泳池,據說,以前游泳是




Here's the buffet table. Fruits!

開始用餐囉!! 我的媽呀!! 這水果也擺盤的太漂亮了吧!!

Cold entrees.

Hot food.

The boys picking what they want.孩子拿自己想要吃的東西。

This is what I got for me appertizers. home媽為自己拿的開胃菜。


Cheers. Welcome to Eason and happy birthday to Ling.

乾杯!! 他們熱情的歡迎哥哥,也一起祝福home爸:生日快樂!!

The dessert table. 天呀! 看到這些甜點,我完全無法招架呀!!

Doesn't it look cute?! 看到上面寫"butter?" 我至少一次拿兩個!!


My dessert plate. Eason really liked the chocolate mousse in the glass. He had 2.


There was live music with a lady playing the harp.

第二站~Cliff House Ocean Beach

After a very filling brunch, we're ready to go play in Ocean beach.

用完餐後,當然是要去運動一下啦!! (這海水是東太平洋)

Ocean beach is just next to the Cliff House. You can the both the Cliff House and

 the Seal Rocks very clearly in this photo.

由這張照片中,可清楚的知道為何這家餐廳叫" Cliff House",在 Cliff House可


Woo... the water is cold. Eason said he doesn't like to play in water much....

這海水還很冷喔! 我家哥哥不是很喜歡被水弄濕.....小心翼翼地玩著......

The waves are coming...run! 浪要來囉~~~

快跑!! 哈哈!! 這次沒被弄濕~~

No way! The waves are faster.....we're trapped!

媽呀! 一整個來不及跑! 半身都弄濕了啦!! 大家笑得真的好開心!!

After about 15 mintues of play, I told them to come back. They were all wet

from waist down. The last one reaching the car will get no ice cream!

在海邊玩個15分鐘後,要準備上車嚕!!最後一個到車上的,就吃不到ice cream囉!

Once home, I hose them off in the garden before allowing them in the house.


第三站~ST. John School

After a short rest, the boys went to play table tennis at Sydon and Ethan's club.


The session is focused on training.

Smash!  round robin competition from3:30 - 5:30pm. Eason decided to only join

the training so that he had time to go shopping.


第四站~Stonestown Galleria

I took him to Stonestown, the nearest shopping mall from us.It has Macy's

and Nordstrom and a lot of other smaller shops.


Eason spend 2 happy hours shopping. We came home to record his purchase

and write his postcard. 逛了兩個小時後,回家開始記帳,也寫了明信片.....

I helped him record his spending. He is very careful with his money.

這記帳原來是念給home媽聽,home媽幫他寫柳?! home嗎說,他用錢真的是

很小心、很小心.....對! 很小心買他的東西啦!!

晚餐時間到囉!! 又到了哥哥最開心的時刻!!

今天的晚餐~broccoli and cauliflower salad with miso dressing (which Eason lilkes).

Grilled rib eye steak. 肋眼牛排!!

Mashed potato with gravy.

And Eason's favourite soup Boudin's clam chowder. They have it in

Stonestown in cans


After dinner my boys have to practice music and Eason joined Ethan at the piano.

Both boys were teaching each other what they know.



After practice, we had Ling's birthday cake...

哇! 幫BUDDY的爸爸慶祝生日耶! 我好懷疑,這時我家哥哥會說出怎樣的祝福話?!

Ling got cards from all the boys. 孩子們都準備好要送給爸爸的卡片耶~


It's time for shower and bed cause there's school tomorrow.


They couldn't resist playing the pencil lead holder game Eason invented. Lights

off at 9:30pm and I'm off to bed too. Was up till 1am last night so it's early night f

or me. Good night!

筆....芯....盒....遊....戲....!! 它又出現了!!  每次我看到哥哥教buddy玩這樣幼稚的遊


