2018-05-21 14:07:11Katle and Joe


這張圖是Hal Foster在第一場演講“班雅明和他的野蠻人”中引用的的簡報文字,摘錄自班雅明“經驗與貧乏”一文。試譯如下,作為“我喝了要命的混合飲料”譯文的補充。
錄影檔請看:Walter Benjamin and His Barbarians

Barbarism? Yes indeed. We say this in order to introduce a new, positive concept of barbarism. For what does poverty of experience do for the barbarian? It forces him to start from scratch; to make a new start; to make a little go a long way; to begin with a little and build up further, looking neither left nor right. Among the great creative spirits, there have always been those who begin by clearing a tabula rasa…
In its buildings, pictures, and stories, mankind is preparing to outlive culture if need be…

                                                — Walter Benjamim, “Experience and Poverty”(1933)


白板,Tabula rasa,拉丁語:是一個認知論主題,認為人的個體生來沒有內在或與生俱來的心智,亦即:是一塊白板,所有的知識都是逐漸從他們的感官和經驗而來。(維基百科)