2007-01-01 21:23:16Jacky


讀  經:詩篇147
金  句:「你們要讚美耶和華!……他醫好傷心的人,裹好他們的傷處。」(詩篇147:1,3)

  詩篇147篇能夠幫助你、我度過那段悲傷的日子。該詩篇以「讚美主」來開始,也以「讚美主」結束,全篇不斷地讚美主的大能與恩典。朋友,今天當你讀這首詩時,何不試著寫下一件你擁有的、並能為此而讚美上帝的事,往後,每天加上一件。上帝將會撫平你的創傷,你也將會有能力、越來越大聲地讚美他! DCM


The List

Read: Psalm 147

Praise the Lord! . . . He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. --Psalm 147:1,3

At the beginning of this new year, many newspapers and magazines will publish a list of notable people and celebrities who died during the previous 12 months. The name of a person we admired may stir up memories that touch us in a special way.

From the past year, a list will also be written deep within our hearts. How we mourn the loss of those whose names are there--a father, a neighbor, a sister, a friend. In all of life, perhaps no greater pain is felt than when someone we love dies.

When the loss and the hurt seem too much to bear, where can we turn? Psalm 147 declares that it is the Lord who "heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds" (v.3). With a physical injury, the wound is treated immediately but the healing takes time. God heals our grief in a similar way.

Psalm 147 can help you and me during that process. The psalm begins and ends with the words: "Praise the Lord!" In between, it celebrates the attributes and works of God. As you read Psalm 147 today, write down one thing for which you can praise God. With each new day, add another one to the list. As you focus on the Lord, He will heal your heart, and you will be able to lift your voice in ever-increasing praise to Him. --DCM

Through shadowed days or sunlit,
Whate'er the year may bring,
This fact may be thy comfort:
God reigns in everything. --Smith

Praise can lift the burden of grief.

How Can I Live With My Loss?