2006-11-30 23:01:24Jacky


讀  經:馬太福音26章69-75節
金  句:「彼得和眾使徒回答說:順從 上帝,不順從人,是應當的!」(使徒行傳5章29節)

  十七世紀中葉,在日本某小島上,曾經有二十六個人因為不願意踐踏耶穌的畫像而死。根據宣教士提姆詹森(Tim Johnson)描述,當時該地的省長認為這些虔誠的基督徒是傳統文化的敵人。於是他想出一個殘忍的詭計,把耶穌的畫像放在街道上,再要住在該省的基督徒踐踏畫像,表示棄絕信仰。結果有二十六人拒絕如此行,他們因而在海邊被釘十字架,用來警告所有的人。


Would I Step On Jesus?

Read: Matthew 26:69-75

Peter and the other apostles answered and said: "We ought to obey God rather than men." –Acts 5:29

Bible In One Year:
Acts 20:2, Romans 1-4

Twenty-six people died because they would not step on a picture of Jesus. In the 17th century some Christians were faithfully serving Jesus on an island in Japan. According to missionary Tim Johnson, a provincial leader decided that these believers were a threat to the traditional culture, so he devised a fiendish trap. He placed a picture of Jesus on the street and demanded that the Christians in his province step on the picture in renunciation of their faith. When the test was finished, 26 people had refused. They were crucified at the water's edge for all to see.

It's sobering to realize that the apostle Peter, when questioned about his loyalty, denied that he was a disciple of Jesus (Mt. 26:69-75). But it was that same Peter who deeply regretted his choice and gave the rest of his life in bold witness for Christ.

Every day we are confronted with situations or decisions that tempt us to betray the Lord by choosing the world, the flesh, or the devil instead of obeying Him. We need His help to keep from denying Him by acts of sin or disobedience.

May the resolve of our heart be that we will never betray our Lord. Instead, may we be determined to boldly and unashamedly tell others of our love for Him. –DCE

Jesus is all the world to me,
And true to Him I'll be;
O how could I this Friend deny,
When He's so true to me? –Thompson

To keep from denying Christ, you must rely on Christ.

What Does It Take To Follow Christ?

