The Studies of Explains of Ten Causes and Six Retribution of the Shurangama Sutra
一、淫習:命終墮入銅床鐵柱地獄→魃鬼→鬼老成魔→不祥好婬的動物→肢 體五官不正常的人類。
1. Habit of lust: At the end of one’s life, one fall into the hell of flaming copper bed and steel bars.→drought ghost→old ghost turn into demon→inauspicious animal→abnormal people.
2. Habit of greed: At the end of one’s life, one fall into the hell of icy-cold→strange ghost→old ghost turn into demon→owl→corrupt and obstinate people.
三、慢習:命終墮入血河、灰河等地獄→ 餓鬼→ 家畜→ 軟弱無能的人類。
3. Habit of arrogance: At the end of one’s life, one fall into the hell of bloody river, ashy river etc. → hungry ghost→ livestock→ weak people.
四、瞋習:命終墮入刀山劍樹等地獄→ 蠱毒鬼→鬼老成魔→ 蛇蠍→ 凶狠野蠻的人類。
4. Habit of hatred: At the end of one’s life, one fall into the hell of knives mount, swards trees etc. → poisonous ghost→ Old ghost turn into demon→ poisonous creature→ violent, cruel people.
五、詐習:命終墮入杻械枷鎖等地獄→ 役使鬼→ 靈禽文獸→ 世智辯聰的人類。
5. Habit of deception: At the end of one’s life, one fall into the hell of shackles, fetters etc→. servant ghost→ auspicious animals→ intelligent people.
六、誑習:命終墮入沸屎、灰沙等地獄→ 魅鬼→ 鬼老成魔→ 狐狸→ 媚世庸碌的人類。
6. Habit of lying: At the end of one’s life, one fall into the hell of boiling excrement, ashy river etc. → mischievous ghost→ old ghost turn into demon→ fox →obsequious, mediocre people.
七、怨習:命終墮入投擲、擒捉等地獄→ 厲鬼→鬼老成魔→ 蛔蟲→ 卑微下賤的人類。
7. Habit of animosity: At the end of one’s life, one fall into the hell of throwing, capture etc. → pestilence ghost→ old ghost turn into demon→ tapeworm→ lowly people.
八、見習:命終墮入考訊、勘問等地獄→ 魍魎鬼→ 雁鳥 →小有文才的人類。
8. Habit of views: At the end of one’s life, one fall into the hell of judging , interrogating etc→. monster ghost→ migratory bird →literate people.
九、枉習:命終墮入合山、合石等地獄→ 魘鬼→ 鬼老成魔→ 馬、驢、駱駝→ 勞碌的人類。
9. Habit of injustice: At the end of one’s life, one fall into the hell of colliding mount, rock etc. → paralysis ghost→ Old ghost turn into demon→ transportation animal (horse, donkey, etc.) → laborers.
十、訟習:命終墮入審判地獄→ 傳送鬼→ 貓狗寵物→ 通達世故的人類。
10. Habit of litigation: At the end of one’s life, one fall into the hell of trial etc. →messenger ghost→ domestic pets→ well-informed people.