2010-06-06 01:10:07Lemon


This Thursday, I took part in campus singsing contest--I-Style.

The participants are up to 120 people, only 20 people can enter the final race.

I sang "Bizarre love triangle" in the origanal race, the song  is song by Frente. 

Luckly, I rice in rank.  In fact, I didn't enter the final race last time.   So I am very

surprised to hear from the information that promoting.   

The final race will be held on 6/17.  That day, hoping I will perfome successfully. 

And I will do my best on that day, I am very confident to win the first place.  Except

for getting 5000NT dollars, I hope the judges can give me some suggest on singing

and  affirm the ability of mine.