2010-03-28 13:03:01Lemon

The urgent needs of our society.

Are you college students like me worried about finding a job after graduation? Do you eager to get a high paid job? But we often wonder whether we can conquer our newbie anxiety before entering the real world. Today, I’m going to talk about “The urgent needs of our society (As you sow, so shall you reap.)”

So , what are the urgent needs of our society? First, create more job opportunities for college graduates working. Believe it or not, every college graduate wants to get a good job and a higher position. But do you know? According to the statistic, unemployment rate last year is up to 5.5% compare to the year before. It means that six out of one hundred job hunters couldn’t find a job. Since 2007, Taiwan’s unemployment rate is top to number one compared with other Asia countries. So we need to urge our government to release more job opportunities for people those who are college graduates or seniors.

Second, Work ethics is a must, particularly “attitude.” A friend of mine told me a real story. Two people working the same company, doing the same thing. One person is usually late for work, and can’t concentrate on tasks. However, the way he’s doing a job was wrong, finally, he got fired. On the contrary, the other person tries to work hard. No matter how difficult the job is, he does his best all the time. Then, he gets promoted after six months. So which person would you prefer to work for you? Definitely you would like to hire the latter one instead of the former one. Why? Because of his positive attitude. So, it’s true about “As you sow, so shall you reap.”

Third, the job market in our society needs” the professionals”, not ”the ones who are getting higher grading. In particular, professional knowledge is bassed on one’s study and how much he understands the profession. For example, I’m a English major student, so I need to use English as media to be able to work in our society. On the contrary, If I got as many as certificates, It doesn’t mean I’ve got the ability to work in the job market. So being a capable English speaker to work our society is my purpose, and be able to use English is my profession.

Finally, we need to keep up a good work after receiving our professional knowledge. For example, have you ever heard about “Turtle rabbit racing story?” You know better about the reason why the rabbit failed in the end. That’s because he doesn’t have perseverance to finish the game. So, keep up a good work is a society urgent need for successful people. If you do so, then “As you sow, so shall you reap.”

To sum up, the urgent needs of our society is to create more job opportunities to fit in all different walks of life. Furthermore, the society needs “the professional and the competent people. Last but not the least, understand the work ethnics. There was a good saying,” As you sow, so shall you reap.” No matter you want to be a white-collar or workers. Keep those things in mind; be responsible, passionate and hard working. Victory is followed by failure. ,” As you sow, so shall you reap” is definitely right.