2004-04-26 13:23:10薑糖

North (7) Still

These few lines I'll devote
To a marvelous girl covered up with my coat
Pull it up to your chin
I'll hold you until the day will begin

有的時候我駐足回望 回憶泛黃 我親手翻著一頁又一頁的足跡

有的時候我看著河面反射的粼粼波光 一整個下午也從不厭倦

Lying in the shadows this new flame will cast

有的時候 我靜靜的聽著來自好久以前的聲音

Upon everything we carry from the past
You were made of every love and each regret
Up until the day we met


There are no words that I'm afraid to hear
Unless they are "Goodbye, my dear"

有的時候我渴望被愛 卻猶豫於自己的自私與任性 裹足不前
有的時候我一筆一畫描繪著愛情的模樣 而最終總以看見神的微笑作結

I was moving very fast

But in one place
Now you speak my name and set my pulse to race
Sometimes words may tumble out but can't eclipse
The feeling when you press your fingers to my lips


有的時候 我亦瘋狂似的找尋著內心最原始的純真
有的時候我享受著困惑 有的時候我破浪而出 在浪頭上呼嘯

I want to kiss you in a rush
And whisper things to make you blush
And you say, "Darling, hush
Still, still"

還有很多時候 我被捲起 不知落地時會在何處
我握著很多人的手 艱辛的爬起
他們對我微笑 拍落我身上的灰塵

因此很多時候 我總會抬頭往上看看聽聽
不管天空是什麼顏色 不管自己是什麼顏色