2002-09-24 08:34:26加加
School again

The first day of school again.
Well, I arrived my first lesson on time, and I even met someone great, but that's pretty much the only successful thing I did today.
A bad start. What does it mean? I would rather believe that it doesn't meean anything. Hope so.
A few of the stupid things I did today:
Didn't go to see my previous Biology and Mathematics instructors while I need to.
Argued with my previous Chemistry peer tutor.
Took a very ugly picture at the tutorial centre.
Ate something which gave me a stomach ache as a return.
And many many...
Overall, a bad start.
Well, I arrived my first lesson on time, and I even met someone great, but that's pretty much the only successful thing I did today.
A bad start. What does it mean? I would rather believe that it doesn't meean anything. Hope so.
A few of the stupid things I did today:
Didn't go to see my previous Biology and Mathematics instructors while I need to.
Argued with my previous Chemistry peer tutor.
Took a very ugly picture at the tutorial centre.
Ate something which gave me a stomach ache as a return.
And many many...
Overall, a bad start.