2008-03-26 07:22:29JЁЯRЧ Hsie

03 25 08

All I can say is "Oh My GOSH!!"
Today was so freakin’ tired.

We started the day with one P.E. lesson,
Me.Yeo told us that we’re doing realy..
That’s not a problem for me~ In fact, I luv relays,
Although I’m quite fat, quite chubby, but running is one of my

I was in a group with Cassandra, Sue, Sean, Su Hyun, and Yao Sheng..
I knew we’re gonna lose, but it’s okay,
since it’s just a practice realy.

Sean was first, he was so freakin slow!!
I thought he was always running fast in soccer matches..
But I was wrong, he was laughing and screaming while he ran..
But I dun mind, he did a great job just finishing his duty..

The sad fact is, our team was last, so much behind the other teams.
I was the second runner, but Cassandra didn’t want to run last,
So she switched with me..
I agreed without even thinking about it..
HAHA, now you know Im a good person..keep hating me if u want..

Cassandra definitely tried her best,
But she wasn’t faster then the other girls,
and our team was still last.
The next one for our group was Su Hyun,
She did a great job, too.
She was also kinda fast,
But Christy was even FASTER!!
I’ve never imagined Christy running so fast..

But anywayz, Su Hyun almost threw up during the run,
so I had to run to the place she stopped and get the "Bacon" from her
I was so frekin’ nervous,
I didn’t want our team to lose..
and Ke You was a lot in front of me..
But anywayz, although I’m fat,
But I was in the Track & Field CISSA, and I’ve also received medals in running..
So I tried my very best, too..
LOL..I’m not saying that I’m a super good runner or something..
I tried my VERY VERY best,
the distance in bewteen me and the other runner is almost
half of the track.
Anwayz, our team still lost,
But I ran past the goal line, right after the group in front of me
ran past..haha..i was scared by myself, too..

And I was feeling dizzy..and fainty..
But we still had to do it one more time..
and during the rest time,
I just videoed more videos to send to Sparrow,
LOL..my promise will last forever..Sparrow..
I’m sending it this Sunday so I gotta hurry!
Anywayz, I was chosen into the final 5 of our class team..

Right after P.E., we had Science..
Mr.Warren said we’re gonna play and mark papers at the same time,
He’s gonna buy drinks for the winner group tomorrow during lunch..
Basically, Mr.Warren will ask the multiple choice questions on both
the S1 test and the test we just took..
And we had to write the answer on a small card and raise it up..
If It’s correct, then you receive a point..
The team end up with the most points..will get the prize!
And after the game, we’ll mark the S1’s test paper..

The S1s questions were so freakin’ easy..
But I wasnt really paying attention until later,
Because Joxin suggested me to video this for Sparrow too..
To make him feel like he is just sitting in our class,
Playing games with us...

I videoed almost the whole thing..
That was quite fun..
But our group was last..because we got two important ones wong..
Anywayz..at last, Ji Won’s group will get the drinks from Mr.Warren..

I marked "Tiffany Chua" and another "Hi..something..a Japanese"’s paper both from S1 Ivory..
That Tiffany was allowed an open book test..and she still
failed multiple choice..
and the other Japanese dude was quite good..

Later I marked Ashim & Katrina’s paper..ha..perfect!
Katrina did so well on the multiple choices,
She scored everything correct except for two,
And she should’ve get full marks because her original answers for the two questions were correct..but then she changed it..so..yeah
Ashim did quite well, too..but not as well as Katrina..

Mr.Warren then asked for helper to put up Science posters with him..
The ones that’re not helping will go to the gym for some sports..
Nobody raised up their hands..so poor me..
I’m too kind to just sit there and watch Mr.Warren feel embarrased..
So I put up my hand..and then Sean and Harry, too..
THX..although it’s Sean & Harry..but it’s better than just working
with Mr.Warren alone..haha

We brought about 30 posters to the Science area..
From both S1 and S2..it was tiring
Mr.Warren had some nice music on..
Kanye West, T-Pain, Ne-Yo, Rihanna..wow..I never knew Mr.Warren’s so ..MODERN..haha

It was tiring..and I didn’t get to go to the gym and play
MY FAVORITE Basketball..sigh sigh..
But it was kinda cool helping Mr.Warren & Mr.Llyod..

Tiring day..lol
But quite enjoyable..
Hope yours, too..Sparrow

Peace Out,
Jer Hsieh