2005-10-18 15:39:19Jenny van Formosa
The Joy of Burnout
Are you feeling exhausted, hollow, cynical , trapped, angry or just not there?
Working harder but getting less done? Ill too often or for too long?
Or do you know someone else who feels like this?
There are some of the classic warning signs of burnout.
More importantly, they hold out the promise of a whole new life.
From all the rersearch that burnout happens at work or in out important relationships when the meaning goes out of what we are doing but we have too much invested to stop and take notice.
Our soul is whispering but we are not listening.
If we soldier on, we also losing everything-including our health, our happiness, even our lives. But if we listen to the message and take action, we can turn outselves around.
Please share your story with me and let’s make things better in our life.
My dear will you share your story with me?
Working harder but getting less done? Ill too often or for too long?
Or do you know someone else who feels like this?
There are some of the classic warning signs of burnout.
More importantly, they hold out the promise of a whole new life.
From all the rersearch that burnout happens at work or in out important relationships when the meaning goes out of what we are doing but we have too much invested to stop and take notice.
Our soul is whispering but we are not listening.
If we soldier on, we also losing everything-including our health, our happiness, even our lives. But if we listen to the message and take action, we can turn outselves around.
Please share your story with me and let’s make things better in our life.
My dear will you share your story with me?