2012-07-06 00:37:41JENNY

Unit 4 講義(商用英語口語練習 102上)

Unit 4  講義 


U4  How do you like your job?  


1. Look at the picture.

2. Answer where the people are and what they are doing

3. If you don’t know then make guesses.

4. What type of scene would be common at a typical company in a company, explain why or why not.

2) talking about likes and dislikes

   Vocabulary and expressions

   Attractive, boring, challenging, confusing, difficult, easy, exciting, frustrating, fun

  Interesting, negative, positive

3) Culture Note

      In some Western cultures, making small talk is considered an important social skill.  A study at the Stanford University School of Business found that graduates academic performance did not affect their rate of success later in life.  However, their ability to make connections and converse with others did. Here are a few pieces of advice for making successful small talk.

* Smile and greet people as soon as you meet them.

* Learn people’s names and use them often.

* Listen to people and show you are interested.

* Try to relax and act naturally.

* Make eye contact with the person you are talking to.

* Don’t just give yes or no answers.  Make comments and ask questions to keep the conversation interesting.