2013-09-21 09:25:18J.C.

Inheritance Summary

Here are the summaries of each chapter and their page numbers. The reason I wrote this is for the convenience of effectively finding the right chapter when I want to reread it, or to give readers who haven't read Inheritance a general idea of what it is about. It is also for the sake of my advancing in writing skills. Therefore, if there are any grammatical mistakes or misuse of words, please ignore them, or if you are willing to, you can also inform me about them by leaving a message below. I hope some of you will find this useful!

Into the breach(1):
During the Varden and Surda's attack on Belatona, Saphira was hurt by a mysterious lance, which the elves confirmed were created by their own kin long ago. Just as the elves healed Saphira's wound, the wall of the castle's entrance came tumbling down, burying Roran and several soldiers under it.

A toss of the bones(145):
A cavalry of the city Aroughs charged at Roran's unprotected camp. Roran deceived them with an incredible and daring scheme. ( The scheme is too great to be revealed. Please read it yourself!)

My friend, my enemy(157):
Deep into the night, Roran was attacked by an assassin who claimed himself to be Roran's friend. The assassin was defeated, but left a giant cut on Roran's chest, which Carn, the spell caster, quickly healed with magic. Being in no mood to sleep, Roran waited for dawn, when they will attempt their siege of Aroughs.

A flower made of flame(167):
Using four connected barges and the force of rushing water, the Varden broke through the gate of Aroughs and engaged in combat with the enemy. In the midst of all the vigorous fighting, Carn, the Varden's magician, attempted a surprise attack on a group of soldiers who had just arrived as reinforcements. Heavy sacks of flour and slate flew down from the barges, smashing the soldiers with their weight. Just as the enemy was coughing from all the flour powder, a ball of flame ignited the flour, burning the soldiers to their bones. At last, Roran and the other Varden soldiers opened the gate to the inside of the city, where they planned to throw Lord Halstead off his position.

Dust and Ashes(182):
Into the city the Varden fought, being careful not to warn Lord Halstead about their intrusion. When they got to a water fountain, they encountered a group of soldiers and the magician they had met the previous day. Deeming the magician as a threat, Roran ordered Carn  to try to eliminate him. After what seemed like a fierce battle between two minds, an explosion erupted. Moments later, Carn was found burned to death, barely resembling the form of a human and the  water inside the enemy spellcaster's body all seeped out, leaving nothing but bones, dried organs and skin. Keeping his grief for his friend suppressed, Roran and the Varden charged into Halstead's palace and found out the lord's position. On their way to capture him, Roran was shot in the back by an arrow with a jagged point.  The pain was so agonizing when Brigman cauterized the wound that Roran slipped into unconsciousness.
Awesome sentences:
And then time and memory ceased for him.(201)

Using magic to link the mirrors of both sides, Lady Nasuada inquired Roran, who was lying belly-down on a table to save his wounded back, about their siege of Aroughs. They had successfully taken the city under control. Lord Halstead had died from suffocation when the Varden tried to smoke them out of a wine cellar. Unfornately, his daughter, Lady Galiana, also died with him. Roran was ordered to return to Belatona as fast as he could with his injuries, as he refused to stay and rest while his wife and unborn child were at the risk of being attacked by Murtagh and Thorn.

As Murtagh and Thorn were guarding Belatona, the Varden could not attack the city. Eragon and Saphira spent some leisure time by a lake, fussing about a scale that Saphira had lost. Then, they spent some time at their camp, the dragon dozing and her rider deciphering the convoluted runes of Domia abr Wyrda, a book written in the ancient language. Later in the day, they found Orik, the new king of the dwarves as well as Eragon's good friend, molding a ball of mud he called Thardsvergûndzmal or Erôthknurl.  They talked about news in the dwarf world and how Orik had lost some freedom and happiness since he succeeded Hrothgar's throne. In the end, They acknowledged each other's company and promised to watch each other's backs.