2005-09-30 00:49:52珍珠



此簡易氣功乃我的師父經過二十多年身體力行, 實驗出來最適合忙碌現代人的練習法. 以下是他的一些說明:

Moe Sum Chi-Kung is a simple breathing exercise to help you achieve ultimate health.

Chi-Kung should be easy and effective. If you practice Chi-Kung, you should feel the difference in a very short time. Within a few days of practice, you could feel the energy flowing inside your body. After a month, you will feel more energized; your mind should be clearer and you will breath more easily. You will be breathing deeper, sleeping less and having more energy to engage in daily activities. These are the benefits Chi-Kung will give you.

If you practice any kind of martial arts, you should try to combine Chi-Kung in your practice. It will increase your power and you could exercise longer before you are out of breath. In my opinion, doing martial arts without Chi-Kung is just dancing around. It’s unhealthy and sometimes harmful. For example, before I combined Chi-Kung with martial arts, it took 5 minutes before I was out of breath during my workout. I also had painful headache because of that. After I combined the two, I can now practice over an hour and still breathe smoothly and the headache is gone totally.

Chi-Kung is not a secret. With right breathing and movements, you can retrieve energy from Nature and keep it flowing inside you. Most of all, this energy is all around us at no cost. No matter who, where and how old you are, everybody can learn it and benefit from it. The more you do Chi-Kung, the better you will feel. The only people who cannot do it are mentally challenged who need medication to control their behavior.

Some people may find Chi-Kung unreal. How can this simple breathing exercise be so good and powerful? In fact, sometimes in life, complicated things are not always better than simple ones. Chi-Kung is a simple way to improve your health. You will believe it once you try it. I personally have benefited enormously from practicing Chi-Kung. I would like to share its power with you. Chi-Kung will give you good health; it will ease stress and clear your mind. In the long run, Chi-Kung will help you gain more energy and power in martial arts practice.