2004-10-19 02:01:38雷公與飛翅膀

On death - two romans saying

(都是妮妮說不要po 我才會忘光光的)

On Death and Metamorphosis -by Ovid, Metamorphoses

O genus humanum, quod mortem nimium timet! Cur pericula mortis timetis?
Omnia mutantur, omnia fluunt, nihil ad veram mortem venit. Animus errat et in alia corpora miscetur; nec manet, nec easdem formas servat, sed in formas novas mutatur. Vita est flumen; tempora nostra fugiunt et nova sunt semper. Nostra corpora semper mutantur; id quod fuimus aut sumus, non cra erimus.

O human kind, which fears death, too! Why you fear of dangerous death?
All of you changed, all of you flow, nothing comes to death really. Soul was and mixed up in another body; neither remains, nor keeps the same form, but changed into new forms. Life is a river; Time of ours flee and they are always new. Body of ours are always mixed up; which either we were or we are, not we will in tomorrow.

Cyrus' dying words on immortality

O mei filii tres, non debetis esse miseri. Ad mortem enim nunc venio, sed paris mei, animus meus, semper remanebit. Dum eram vobiscum, animum mon videbatis, sed ex factis intellegebatis eum esse in hoc corpore. Credite igitur animum esse eundem post mortem, etiam si eum non videbitis, et semper conservate me in memoria vestra.

Oh my three sons, ought not to be such miserable. I come to death truly now, but my likes, my soul, are always staying. As long as I was with you all, you did not see my soul, but you understood that I am in this body out of achievement of mine. Therefore believe me that soul was the same after death, even if you can no longer see that, and always preserve for me in your memory.


下一篇:Text of Requiem