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WhatsApp denies it really is in speaks with Yahoo for $1B buyout WhatsApp running regarding iOS.(Credit:Screengrab by Steven Musil/CNET)WhatsApp, the software creator of the favorite mobile talk program, dissmissed off this evening it's in speaks to be developed bns power leveling by Yahoo and google for nearly $1 billion.The two firms have been conversing for "four as well as five months," reported by a Digital Trends report a couple weeks ago that cited an unidentified person who alleged to have familiarity with the dialogue. However, Neeraj Arora, WhatsApp's business enterprise development face, told AllThingsD which the software producer was not grasping negotiations while using the Web icon. Arora declined towards comment extra.Related storiesU.Utes. Navy employs laser to try down droneGoogle can be chatting with WhatsAppReport states Google throughout talks to get WhatsApp for $1 b Founded during the past year and located in Santa Clara, Calif., WhatsApp certainly is the maker of any smartphone software for Android mobile phone, BlackBerry, iOS, Symbian, together with Windows Mobile phone. It allows buyers to send text messaging, images, and audio and video texts. The ad-free application reportedly offers about A hundred million each day users, using a presence when it comes to 250 countries around the world on a range of platforms. WhatsApp have been linked to acquistion rumors just before. TechCrunch reported when it comes to December of which Facebook was in talks to purchase the cross-platform app, a report that WhatsApp termed "a rumor and not just factually accurate."In The month of january, WhatsApp announced so it had established a personal record on Innovative Year's Event, with 6 billion inbound messages routed that day. Yet another 11 mil outbound text messages were submitted the same time span. WhatsApp's previous one-day listing stood at 10 mil total blade and soul power leveling text messages. WhatsApp denies it's in tells you with Yahoo and google for $1B acquistion