2014-05-16 13:40:44牡羊座的可人兒

世界三大歌劇院之一的義大利米蘭斯卡拉歌劇院Teatro alla Scala

Photo by Isabella Text from Wiki

喜歡聽歌劇的人一定不陌生,歐洲有所謂的三大歌劇院,分別是法國巴黎加尼葉歌劇院Opera Garnier,又稱為巴黎歌劇院)、義大利米蘭斯卡拉歌劇院Teatro alla Scala),以及奧地利維也納國立歌劇院Staatsoper)。

La Scala (abbreviation in Italian language for the official name Teatro alla Scala) is aworld-renowned opera house in Milan, Italy. Thetheatre was inaugurated on 3 August 1778 and was originally known as the New Royal-Ducal Theatre alla Scala (Nuovo Regio Ducale Teatro alla Scala). The premiere performance was Antonio Salieri’s Euopa riconosciuta. Most of Italy's greatest operatic artists, and many of the finest singers from around the world, have appeared at La Scala during the past 200 years. Today, the theatre is still recognised as one of the leading opera and ballet theatres in the world and is home to the La Scala Theatre Chorus, La Scala Theatre Balletand La Scala Theatre Orchestra. The theatre also has an associate school,known as the La Scala Theatre Academy (Italian: Accademia Teatro alla Scala), which offers professional training in music, dance, stage craft and stage management.

斯卡拉大劇院(譯為史卡拉歌劇院,義大利文名為 Teatro alla Scala  La Scala)位於義大利米蘭,是世界最著名的歌劇院之一。大劇院於177883正式啟用,當時名為Nuovo Regio Ducal Teatro allaScala,首日上演安東尼奧.薩列里的歌劇《歐羅巴的現身》(L'Europa riconosciuta)。斯卡拉大劇院是原址重建的第二座劇院,首座劇院公爵劇院(Teatro Ducale)1776225在一個狂歡會後發生的一場火警中焚燬,90名於舊劇院內擁有私人包廂的米蘭富翁寫信給奧地利大公斐迪南一世,要求重建一座新劇院,及一座臨時劇院供新劇院未竣工前使用。新古典建築師皮爾馬里尼Giuseppe Piermarini)所構思的初步設計被當時的奧地利總督費爾米安伯爵(Count Firmian)拒絕重新構思的第二個設計於1776年被奧地利女大公瑪麗亞.特蕾西亞〈Maria Theresa〉接納。劇院設有超過3,000個座位及一個會堂,觀眾廳呈馬蹄形,有6排的包廂。幕前闊26,高27,要舞台則高20新劇院的位置原本是聖瑪利亞斯卡拉教堂Santa Maria alla Scala)的所在地,聖瑪利亞斯卡拉教堂後來被改作俗用及拆除,原址興建的新劇院因而得名斯卡拉大劇院,新劇院由Pietro MarlianiPietro NosettiAntonioGiuseppe Fe歷時兩年建成。

建築造價100萬里拉,由出售包廂支付。包廂的擁有人大花金錢豪裝自己的包廂,華麗的包廂給很多人,如司湯達,留下深刻的印象。劇院建成後旋即成為眾米蘭貴族及富豪的集中地。正廳(platea)沒有設置座位,觀眾要站著觀看表演,在場觀眾亦會看到樂團,由於樂團的池台 (golfo mistico)當時並未建成,在廂房之上有頂層樓座 (loggione),供不太富裕的人觀看表演;頂層樓座是表演者所畏懼的地帶,該處聚集著很多歌劇迷熱衷者,他們俱有高度的鑑賞力,他們要為表演者成功的演繹而著迷,也會為表演者錯誤的演繹而無情狠批,失敗的演出都會被他們長期記著。



劇院於2002119200411月期間關閉進行翻新工程,工程由著名瑞士籍建築師馬里奧.博塔(Mario Botta)策劃。劇院關閉期間,劇團暫時遷移到遠離市中心,位於米蘭近郊的Teatro degli Arcimboldi(譯為阿幸波地劇院)繼續演出。翻新工程引來爭議,古蹟文物保護者憂慮翻新工程會破壞劇院的歷史痕跡。但劇院公司表示很欣賞工程所帶來的改善:移除了會堂的紅地毯使音響質素提升;舞台重新建造,後台亦擴大了,使得可容納更多的裝置或佈景,支援更多的演出製作項目;座位上加設了螢光幕,以英文、法文、義大利文顯示劇本,讓觀眾可以理解歌劇內容。2004127,劇院正式重開,首場演出是由里於多.穆蒂指揮安東尼奧.薩列里的歌劇《歐羅巴的現身》,亦即是斯卡拉歌劇院於1778年啟用時的同一個節目。重開後的票價最高賣至2,000歐元,翻新工程費用約為61百萬歐元,經費赤字預計於2006年才打消。

當日欣賞的《拉美莫爾的露琪亞》(Lucia di Lammermoor)是葛塔諾.董尼采悌Gaetano Donizetti)以沃爾特.司各特(Walter Scott)的史實小說《拉美莫爾的新娘》(The Bride of Lammermoor)為劇本所譜寫的一部三幕歌劇。該劇故事內容為英國蘇格蘭安妮女王(於十七世紀晚期繼任威廉三世之王位)時代,互為世仇的兩大家族阿斯頓家族(Ashtons)和雷文斯伍德家族(Ravenswoods)間所發生的愛情悲劇。

故事開始時阿斯頓家族已握有強大勢力,同時還佔有原為雷文斯伍德家族的城堡,雷文斯伍德家族的唯一繼承人埃德加Sir Edgardo di Ravenswood由義大利素有小帕華洛帝美名的Vittorio Grigolo擔任演出,他被迫遷居至遠方海邊的一座殘破塔樓(Wolf's Crag),雖然阿斯頓家族已是勝利者,但仍受到當時宗教信仰及政治環境的威脅,其家族首領恩里科勛爵(Lord Enrico Ashton)希望能透過其妹露琪亞(Lucia Ashton)與其政治救星阿圖羅勛爵(Lord Arturo Bucklaw)的婚姻來維護阿斯頓家族的既有政治勢力,但卻因露琪亞埃德加早已相愛且私定終身,因而引發連串的衝突、誤會以及最後的悲劇收場。

該劇於1835926在義大利那不勒斯聖卡洛劇院(Teatro San Carlo)首演,董尼采悌於1839年將該劇改編為法文版,同年於巴黎文藝復興劇院Théâtre de la Renaissance)演出,該劇原僅被視為專供花腔女高音展示技巧之曲目,第二之世界大戰後,少數擁有高度技巧之女高音如瑪麗亞.卡拉斯(Maria Callas)及瓊.蘇莎蘭(Dame Joan Sutherland)以其傑出表現賦予了該劇在眾多悲劇中之榮耀地位,從此《拉美莫爾的露琪亞》成為世界各大歌劇院的常備曲目之一,同時在北美地區之二十齣演出次數最多的曲目中名列十三,時至今日仍為義大利美聲歌劇之代表作之一

Lucia di Lammermoor is a dramma tragico (tragic opera) in three acts by Gaetano Donizetti. Salvadore Cammarano wrote the Italian language libretto loosely based upon Sir Walter Scott’s historical novel The Bride of Lammermoor.

Donizetti wrote Lucia di Lammermoor in 1835, a time when several factors led to the height of his reputation as a composer of opera. Gioachino Rossini had recently retired and Vincenzo Belini had died shortly before the premiere of Lucia leaving Donizetti as "the sole reigning genius of Italian opera".Not only were conditions ripe for Donizetti's success as a composer, but there was also a European interest in the history and culture of Scotland.The perceived romance of its violent wars and feuds, as well as its folklore and mythology, intrigued 19th century readers and audiences Sir Walter Scott made use of these stereotypes in his novel The Bride of Lammermoor, which inspired several musical works including Lucia.

The story concerns the emotionally fragile Lucy Ashton (Lucia) who is caught in a feud between her own family and that of the Ravenswoods. The setting is the Lammermuir Hills of Scotland (Lammermoor) in the 17th century.







Scene 1: The gardens of Lammermoor Castle

Normanno, captain of the castle guard,and other retainers are searching for an intruder. He tells Enrico that he believes that the man is Edgardo, and that he comes to the castle to meet Enrico's sister, Lucia. It is confirmed that Edgardo is indeed the intruder.Enrico reaffirms his hatred for the Ravenswood family and his determination to end the relationship.



Scene 2: By a fountain at the entrance to the park, beside the castle

Lucia waits for Edgardo. In her famous aria Regnava nel Silenzio,Lucia tells her maid Alisa that she has seen the ghost of a girl killed on the very same spot by a jealous Ravenswood ancestor. Alisa tells Lucia that the apparitical is a warning and that she must give up her love for Edgardo. Edgardo enters; for political reasons he must leave immediately for France. He hopes to make his peace with Enrico and marry Lucia. Lucia tells him this is impossible, and instead they take a sworn vow of marriage and exchange rings. Edgardo leaves.




雷文斯伍德城堡內為露琪亞與阿圖羅即將到來的婚禮正進行準備中,恩里科擔心露琪亞是否真的願意屈服並成婚,他和 諾爾曼偽造了一封埃德加寫給新戀人的情書交給露琪亞,讓露琪亞誤以為埃德加已忘了她且移情別戀,恩里科離去後,露琪亞的牧師雷蒙德接續勸說露琪亞,期許她為了阿斯頓家族的未來應捨棄對埃德加的誓言並嫁給阿圖羅,露琪亞在無奈中同意了婚事。

Scene 1: Lord Ashton's apartments in Lammermoor Castle

Preparations have been made for the imminent wedding of Lucia to Arturo. Enrico worries about whether Lucia will really submit to the wedding. He shows his sister a forged letter seem ingly proving that Edgardo has forgotten her and taken a new lover. Enrico leaves Lucia to further persuasion this time by Raimondo, Lucia's chaplain and tutor,that she should renounce her vow to Edgardo, for the good of the family, and marry Arturo.


大廳中眾人正歡唱著婚禮頌歌,阿圖羅來到大廳準備進行與露琪亞的婚禮,露琪亞舉止怪異,但恩里科解釋這是因為 露琪亞仍在哀悼母親的逝世。阿圖羅愉快地簽了婚約,接著露琪亞無助且不情願地簽了字,露琪亞方落筆,埃德加突然在兩名侍衛的保護下出現在大廳,隨即引發了衝突,雷蒙德攔阻了埃德加與恩里科間一觸即發的戰鬥,同時出示了露琪亞簽署的婚約要埃德加知難而退,埃德加詛咒露琪亞的不忠,要求退還彼此視為信物之戒指,並憤怒地將戒指踐踏在地上後即欲離開大廳,此時恩里科的侍衛隊隊長諾爾曼及其衛隊士兵群起圍攻,混戰中諾爾曼於埃德加的侍衛劍下身亡,埃德加隨即離開了現場。

Scene 2: A hall in the castle

Arturo arrives for the marriage. Lucia acts strangely, but Enrico explains that this is due to the death of her mother. Arturo signs the marriage contract, followed reluctantly by Lucia. At that point Edgardo suddenly appears in the hall. Raimondo prevents a fight, but he shows Lucia's signature on the marriage contract to Edgardo. He curses her,demanding that they return their rings to each other. He tramples his ring on the ground, before being forced out of the castle.


歌劇史上最重要的六重唱「Chi mifrena in tal momento」(這一刻什麼在制止著我)出現在第二幕第二景,董尼采悌讓劇中六個主要人物各自述說自己的心情譜寫而成此曲,再加上合唱團「Come rosa inaridita」(像朵枯萎的玫瑰)的烘托,將全劇在此景推向高潮。埃德加既憤怒於眼前所發生的一切卻同時又表達對露琪亞始終不悔的愛意;恩里科一方面無法抑制他的的怒火卻又對於操控擺弄妹妹的情感而感到懊悔;露琪亞感到所有人都辜負了她,受盡折磨卻欲哭無淚;雷蒙德慨嘆露琪亞所受的苦難與委屈;艾麗莎悲詠露琪亞正如一朵凋零中的玫瑰;阿圖羅則只能感歎這可怕的時刻。

(Take a break. 中場休息 上方中間的鐘是會動的)



第一景:海邊塔樓(Wolf's Crag)殘念 沒拍到 !!!


Scene 1: The Wolf's Crag

Enrico visits Edgardo to challenge him to a duel. He tells him that Lucia is already enjoying her bridal bed. Edgardo agrees to fight him. They will meet later by the graveyard of the Ravenswoods, near the Wolf's Crag.



Scene 2: A Hall in Lammermoor Castle

Raimondo interrupts the marriage celebrations to tell the guests that Lucia has gone mad and killed her bridegroom Arturo. Lucia enters. In the aria 'Il dolce suono' she imagines being with Edgardo, soon to be happily married. Enrico enters and at first threatens Lucia but later softens when he realizes her condition. Lucia collapses. Raimondo blames Normanno for precipitating the whole tragedy.


露琪亞瘋狂場景「Il dolcesuono...Spargi d'amaro pianto」自董尼采悌完成本劇後已成為眾花腔女高音的競技場,幾乎所有飾演露琪亞的女高音都在瘋狂場景的末段自行增添了裝飾奏,但通常僅僅是為了展現傳統的美聲唱法與技巧,穿插了大量的顫音、波音(mordent)、組音(turns/gruppetto)以及華彩樂段(cadenza)。



Scene 3: The graveyard of the Ravenswood family

Edgardo is resolved to kill himself on Enrico's sword. He learns that Lucia is dying and then Raimondo comes to tell him that she has already died. Edgardo stabs himself with a dagger, hoping to be reunited with Lucia in heaven.

(有機會到米蘭 千萬別錯過絕美的斯卡拉歌劇院 絕對值回票價)