2006-06-25 11:09:34「.bǒss.&!

A nice day..

Yesterday was really a nice day.!!
The sun was big and shining.~

And,,Ending and I went out to find some fun.
at first, we supposed to go to the KFC to do homework..
when we entered the KFC..sat down.,
and..we began to chat..chat & chat...
keep on chatting.....
we were forgot to do the homework!!
and then,we relized that we should do our homework..
so she took out the physics papers that Mr.Chan gave her,
she askd me to help her to do it.~~
well,you know I am always kind,~~
so I put down my own homework to help her~~
when we have just done two questions..
she said:”I don’t want to do any more.!!”
and I said:”me too..”
:It would be better to go shopping.
:yeah,why not.!?!

so ....we gave up doing homework,and went to the Rainbow..

oh..two crazy women..

In the Rainbow..we took a lot of photos..
Hah Hah.,.so satisfed..!
Look at the foto..we were wearing nearly the same shirt.!
I told her to wear that..
Dis it like a pair of lovers.?
I do think so...!
people in the Rainbow thought we were crazy..
cause we took fotos everywhere..
whenever there’s a mirror,we won’t miss the chance,.
But we were happy & enjoyment!!

....But ...what about our homework?
what about our final exam?

Never mind.!!
Just a final exam..!!

上一篇:David Beckham

下一篇:the final exam